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"Fuck. Skyler are you alright? What's wrong?" Luke demands as he crouches down next to me. I must look a mess, sitting huddled in a ball on the floor near my bed. The twenty minutes it took for Luke to get here I just sat and cried. All the good that did was make the paint dry into a crusty green mess atop of my head.

"Skyler, look at me." He tilts my chin up to look at him and he locks his blue eyes with mine. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I w-went to say sorry to C-Calum and he had a..." I take a deep breath and try to rush through the end. Just try and rip it off quick and fast like a band-aid so that its over and done with quicker. "He had a girl over with him. I walked in and she was-was in her underwear in his bed. T-they've been going out for 2 months." I let a quiet whimper escape my lips and take my chin out of Luke's hands, averting his steady gaze and looking to the wall in embarrassment.

"2 months?! Isn't that longer than you've been together?" Luke exclaims appearing shocked. But I remember what Calum said. He knows.

"No need to rub it in." I snap. "He told me that you knew. Why the hell didn't y-you tell me?" I sniff.

"What? No I never knew." He shakes his head looking confused, his eyebrows furrowed.

"He said you were a liar and you are." I try my best to contain the fresh tears pooling in my eyes and I wipe them away aggressively when they fall. "If you really didn't know then what were you trying to always warn me about him?"

"That's something different. You don't need to know about that." He snaps and then quickly shakes his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you." He sighs, pulling at the roots of his blonde hair. "Look, at the party I caught him and this girl called Stella together in the kitchen." I feel my lip quiver at the mention of Stella's name. Even at the party he was cheating on me. While I was there. No wonder he was so worried after the show on Saturday. "I swear that's all I know about him having a relationship with someone else." He looks me right in the eye and I believe him.

"Okay." I nod, wiping my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me though? At the party?"

"You uh, you weren't in your most...sober state." I love how he's trying not to offend me. I know I was drunk, I got that from my location when I woke up.

"Fair enough." I let out a small laugh, finally feeling a little better after unloading my burden onto someone else.

"Can I just ask...why do you have green paint in your hair?" I look up to see him wearing a grin. He looks so attractive when he grins, its really distracting.

"Michael." I respond and we both laugh. He puts a hand into my hair and ruffles it, causing lots of green flakes to dust around us and I glare at him. He only laughs that musical laugh of his when I glare so I must look pretty stupid.

"I'm going to go wash this out of my hair." I huff. "I'll see you in about ten minutes."

"Skyler, wait." He loosely grabs my wrist and I have to fight with all my strength to ignore the jolt of electricity I get when his skin touches mine. "Are you alright now?" His eyebrows are furrowed in concern and I just want to reach out with my hand and smooth away his worry lines.

Skyler, stop it.

"Yeah. Thank you for coming around. Would you mind staying longer or are you busy?" I really hope he isn't busy. I just need some company right now.

"No. Of course not. I'm here as long as you need me." He smiles and my heart melts. I open the door and make my way to the bathroom.


After my quick shower I quickly get dressed into the clothes I was wearing before and look in the bathroom mirror. My face is still swollen and a little patchy from crying but considerable better than before. My hair has been in better shape, but then again, it never did recover from the super glue and fish guts.

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