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Another week has passed and the Christmas holidays are running out. I need to know what it was that Luke wanted to warn me about and Id like to know the rest of my answers as well.

I cant wait any longer. I am a very impatient person and I need to know everything.

Me and Paige never bothered spying on them again, it was a bit creepy and we just came too close to being caught. But after spending so much time with the boys and then going back to Paige...I have to say, I was extremely bored by her company. She just wanted to gossip and talk about makeup - which I hardly ever wore.

Now is about time the band would finish practice. Instead of being down there having fun I am unwanted and have to spend time in my room. I could invite Paige over but then id just be bored with someone instead of without. At least if I'm bored by myself I can eat non stop without being judged.

I skip down the stairs to the kitchen and look for the pasta. I cant be bothered making any fresh stuff so I just look in the freezer for one of the frozen meal ones that you can put in the microwave. It doesn't sound very nice, but it tastes just the same.

I shove it in the microwave and set the time to ten minutes. With nothing else to do in my bored state I decide to lie on the counter top and simply watch the seconds tick by until my food is prepared. Another bonus of being small, I'm the right size for lying fully out on the counter top...which nobody ever does, but its still a bonus.

With my elbows resting on the counter and my hands holding my face I wait. Its exactly 9 minutes and 20 seconds until my stomach can digest my favourite food - pasta.

After a few moments my hands start to get cramp so I just fold my arms over and rest my chin on them. 8 minutes left.

I must fall asleep lying on the counter because I am awoken with a loud beep from the microwave saying that my meal is ready and quiet laughter. I sit up as quickly as I can, unsure if the person in the kitchen with me caught me sleeping but realise it was a mistake as above the counter top I'm on there are kitchen cupboards.

"UGH! Shit." I moan as my head whacks of them. I hear some more laughter and look to see who it is. Did it really have to be Luke I made a fool of myself in front of?

"Um, hi..." I say a little flurstered, jumping off the counter and fixing my batman tee that had travelled up a little.

"Hey." He replies. I'm confused as to why he's here but since I'm alone with him, I plan to ask my intended questions.

"What can I um, do for you?" I ask, wiping my eyes to try and shake off my tired feeling.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry for waking you. I can go." He says.

"No, no its fine. It was the microwave. I mean it was the microwave that woke me up. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was just waiting for my pasta-" I stop myself continuing the ridiculous sentences I'm babbling about. I'm just a flustered mess. But I need to ask my questions.

"Alright." He laughs. His laugh sounds kind of melodic and it makes the questions dissolve on my tongue. What am I even supposed to ask him? "Anyway..." He looks down at his feet. "Why aren't you hanging out with the band anymore?" He looks back up and I feel like I can physically feel my heart melting.

Its just dawned on me that this may be my first official crush. I've been attracted to other boys but nothing like this. I feel drawn to Luke and I cant even describe it.

"Its not that I don't want to hang around with you guys - because I do. My brother just wont let me. I don't know if you've seen him tackle me to the floor before? Anyway, he's more than capable and Id quite like to grow old instead of being murdered young by Michael." I sigh, moving my long brown hair behind one of my ears.

"Why wont he let you?" Luke says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Some crap about him thinking you'll all have a crush on me. I know, its ridiculous." I laugh. "But he really is convinced that Calum does which is really stupid." I shake my head and look back up to see his face. His face has completely changed, his expression darkened and it looks as if he's trying to show no emotion but is clearly being bothered by something.

He clenches his fists, takes a deep breath and says "Then maybe you should stay away." With that he leaves me in the kitchen.

What the hell was that? I cant ignore the severe sting in my chest when he said that. It hurt. It hurt a damn lot. In fact I feel a little like crying which is almost as ridiculous as Michaels accusations.

I had a sliver of hope, no, even less than that. That Luke might have liked me just a bit too. Well, that's gone now. It was wishful thinking. Its clear that he doesn't want me there just as much as Michael. The tension between him and Calum which I thought - no - hoped, was jealousy of his flirty nature toward me was in fact just his hostility toward Calum. They're going through a rough patch in there friendship and I completely over analysed things and was deluded to think anything else.

I feel like an idiot.

I yank open the door to my now cool pasta and pour it onto my plate.

It may be my favourite food, but with the mood I'm in, it just tastes like cardboard. I've lost my appetite.

A/N ~ Ooh, drama has gone down. Words have been spoken, tension has been experienced.

What do you think of the change in Luke? Any ideas?

Sorry it was so short, I just thought it was quite a dramatic way to end it...I didn't really no what else to write to end it haha

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this! Remember to vote and comment if you did! I love anyone who is reading this right now c:

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