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"Are you alright?" I laugh at Michael. We're sitting watching TV in the living room with our parents who are actually in the house for once and not at work. Ashton left the house about half an hour ago and I think Luke left as soon as he had seen us in the room.

Michael makes his eyes flit to the kitchen door and then back to me, inclining his head. Guessing he wants to talk to me in private I get off the couch and walk to the kitchen. A few minutes later Michael comes in.

"What couldn't you say in front of mum and dad? Why were you looking so awkward?" I immediately bombard him with questions.

"Well I just want to...well, you know. Can you uh, canyounotsleepwithallmyfriendsplease." He says the last sentence so fast I struggle to catch any of it.

"Sorry, what?"

"You heard me. Can you not sleep with all my best friends? First it was Calum, now Ashton, soon it will be Luke. To be honest I thought you were going to go out with him in the first place because you were being so weird about each other but-"

"Michael. This is making me feel uncomfortable."

"Sky, I have no idea who I'm supposed to beat up?"

"W-what!?" I sputter. "Why would you beat anyone up?!"

"That's my job. Calum hurt you, I should be beating his ass up right now but you've...forbidden me and plus we were really close until that whole situation at the restaurant. I thought I could trust Ash but then he had his hands all over you and I don't know if I should really beat him up considering he's my best friend. Soon it'll be Luke and well...that's like kicking a puppy isn't it?"

"What the hell Michael!? No. You're not beating up anyone!" I sigh, holding the bridge of my nose in distress. "And for the record, Ashton was just tickling me alright? There's nothing going on between us. That just looked...weird."

"Looked weird? It looked like we walked in on the both of you having-"

"Alright, okay! Enough!" I cut him off, not wanting to hear what it looked like.

"Well you cant blame me for thinking that. You're top was up-"

"Because he was tickling me."

"His bandana was off, which he never takes off-"

"I hit him with a pillow."

"You looked as if you were getting undressed, your shoes and tie were on the floor-"

"My feet were hurting and I felt like I was being strangled okay!? Just stop. I get it, it looked like we were making-out. But we weren't alright? GOD!" I begin to shout, growing more frustrated by the second.

He studies me for a moment, then nods his head.

"Okay, I believe you. You're shit at lying but even you could come up with a better excuse than tickling unless that's what actually happened." He starts muttering to himself before walking back out the kitchen. His head pops back around the door "I suggest you try telling Lukey-boy what happened."

"Why?.." I ask warily.

He gives me a creepy smile before leaving again. What the hell was that?


"I'm coming, I'M COMING!" I angrily shout the next morning, sleepily heaving my bed covers off and walking downstairs to answer whoever the hell is at the door at this time in the morning. I don't think it would be the mailman at 7:30am and I certainly amen't expecting anyone. My parents are at work and of course, Michael has to be a heavy sleeper. He usually wakes up early, but not this early. Leaving lucky me to be the one answering the stupid door. I reach it and throw it open.

My Brother's Best Friends // 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now