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"Nnngh." I groan, rolling over onto my side. If you could imagine what it feels like to have your skull shrink over night and your brain feel too big and heavy for it, and on top of that an elephant is sitting on your head - well, that's what my head feels like right now.

I peel my eyes open and sit up. I don't recognise my surroundings and it takes me a minute to realise that its not my room, that I must have never left Ashton's. This is Ashton's bedroom.

I stretch my arms out in front of me, popping the bones, and that's when I realise that my dress is gone. I'm sleeping in Ashton's bed in just my bra and pants.

What the hell!?

I may have been drunk, and not remember much at all of last night...okay, I must have been pretty drunk...but never would I feel so comfortable to sleep in someone else's bed in just my underwear. What if someone walked in?

"Ughh." A noise sounds and I spin my head in the direction it came from. Something moves next to me from underneath the covers of the double bed I'm in.

Oh no. Oh no I didn't. Please don't say I slept with someone. This is my imagination, it will all go away, there wont be anyone there! Don't be ridiculous!

I tentatively tug the covers from the other half of the bed to reveal a sleeping guy next to me. Their back is facing me but they're only in their boxers. Oh god, no.

I try to frantically recall the events of last night...Calum walked off with some of his old friends without bothering to introduce me...I was bored...JARVIS! Jarvis came and sat with me and I started to drink...

The rest is nothing. If I woke up and was still sitting with Jarvis I wouldn't even question it. I literally remember nothing after talking to Jarvis and him offering me a drink. Even that's a bit patchy.

Look on the bright side Skyler, at least you're in your underwear. You didn't lose your virginity whilst drunk at your first house party.

I take a deep breath, then reach over and shake the person next to me. He rolls over and I'm mortified to see the face of who it is.

Its Luke.

Oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no!

"Shit." I hiss, running a hand through my hair. "Luke!" I shake his shoulder, seeing as I have no other choice. I could tiptoe out of here but there's the slight problem of finding my clothes. Besides, maybe Luke has some answers as to what it was exactly that I was doing last night...and how we ended up in bed together.

And I need to make sure he tells nobody else. Calum cant know about this. Oh god, Calum! In my panic id completely forgotten I was with someone. Id be hurt if he went off sleeping with girls when he got drunk, so I shouldn't be doing it with guys behind his back either! He cant find out about this...ever.

"Luke, wake up!" I hiss quietly, unsure exactly on how many people are still in the house. I know its morning though because the early morning sunlight streams in through the large window. Obviously Ashton will still be here...but I hope to god that he didn't see us up here and just slept downstairs on the couch drunk or something. After all, this is his bed that we're in.

He opens his eyes looking tired and confused, not particularly focusing on anything before closing them again. "Luke, wake up right. Now." I demand, shoving at his shoulder aggressively.

"For god sake, what time is it? Why are you-" He stops when he realises its me and his eyes go wide. He looks between the pair of us and he bites down on his bottom lip, taking his lip ring in between his teeth.

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