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I've been awake for 2 hours and I've only just managed to convince the doctors that I can go home and don't need to stay overnight. I had awoken in the hospital and they had to do the usual check over to make sure I was okay, but they had wanted to keep me over night to assure I was fine.

"As long as you think you will be fine and have someone to accompany you home, you can go." Dr Roberts say and he waddles off on his plump little legs.

I jump up, dying to get out  and wince, forgetting I'm still in pretty bad shape. You'd think just sliding across the floor and into the wall wouldn't do much. Well, it resulted in a concussion, a few stitches on the back of my head, a bruised back and a sprained ankle.

I hobble out the little room I was being held in and step outside to where Ashton and Luke are waiting for me. Surprisingly I cant see Michael or Paige anywhere. Ashton has fallen asleep on the chair he's sitting on, his head slumped awkwardly over his chest. Luke sits next to him, his hands clasped tightly together and his knees bouncing at a frantic rhythm. He looks up as he sees me approach him and relief is clearly apparent in all his features. He breaks out into a grin before standing up and tightly hugging me. When I let out a small cry he quickly lets go.

"Sorry! I'm just so glad you're okay." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I saw it, I was there. I could have stopped him hitting you and I never tried hard enough to get past the stupid security guard and-"

"No Luke, its fine. Stop beating yourself up about this, it wasn't your fault." I cut him off, shaking my head. "I'm fine, see!"

"They wouldn't let me go in to check if you were okay...What did they do?" He asks worriedly.

"It was just a concussion. Its fine, no big deal." I wave him off, trying to let the subject drop but he persists.

"Yes." He says through clenched teeth. "Yes it is a 'big deal' Skyler. You seen how he beat up Jarvis. He beat the hell out of me too!" His eyes go wide as he realises he's admitting what the boys had all suspected. So he wasn't robbed that day, he was beaten up by Calum. But why? "What if he did that to you?!" He begins to shout and id be lying if I said his voice wasn't shooting straight through my head and worsening my headache.

"So he did beat you up?" I frown feeling confused. "Why would he do something like that?" When I'm greeted with silence I just decide to let it drop. I'll get the answer from him sooner or later...hopefully. "He said he didn't mean it. I'm sure his anger just got the better of him. Now can we please just drop it?" I plead.

"Fine." He sighs, annoyed, tugging at the roots of his hair. I've noticed he does that a lot when he's frustrated. Or when he looks at his feet when he's nervous, or when - Stop it brain, stop it. "But if something would have happened to you back there..." He trails off casting his eyes to the floor. "I don't think I could have forgiven myself."

"Luke, stop it. Stop making out like this is all your fault when it isn't." I grab his hand without thinking but when I try to let it go he intertwines out fingers making my stomach flip uncomfortably.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He whispers. Its only when I feel his breath on my cheek that I realise how close we are. He sweeps a bit of hair out of my face - I'm having a bad hair day, my hair keeps falling wildly into my face - and tucks it behind my ear. Instead of taking his hand back he trails his fingertips down my neck making my breathing hitch. When he puts his hand over the back of my neck, for an insane moment I think he's going to kiss me, but he doesn't. Even if he was actually planning to, something must have distracted him.

"What's that?" He frowns, stepping back and touching my neck again. I wince when his finger tips run over the few stitches I got on the back of my head. Now that his face isn't so close and distracting, the pain of something touching them is noticeable. Luckily they didn't need to cut any of my hair off since its right at the top of my neck and the bottom of my hairline.

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