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The entire practice I could hardly concentrate. I was too busy staring at Luke's beaten face to pay much attention to their music. I could tell Calum wasn't so fond of that at all. The more I stared, the closer he got to me until the band began to pack up and he was literally by my side with his arm circled around my waist.

"You alright?" He asks quietly, bending his head so that his mouth is just next to my ear. "You seem a little...distracted?" He begins to leave small kisses down my neck and I turn my head toward him so he'll stop. I can feel Luke's stare on us from across the garage.

"Yeah, I'm fine...its just." I pause and Calum raises his eyebrow, urging me to go on. "Who would do that to Luke?" I glance over at Luke and he quickly averts his gaze to the ceiling that was focused on Calum and I only a few seconds ago.

"Look, he's fine." With his hand that isn't circled around my waist, Calum puts his thumb and finger under my chin and moves my head so that I'm staring back over at Luke. "See, look. Apart from his bruising he looks fine." He sighs before adding. "It must have been a pretty bad burglary though." He lets go of my chin.

"Why do the others think you would beat him up?" I asked in a hushed tone so that nobody else would hear. "You wouldn't do that...right?" It was meant to be a statement but it ended up more of a question.

"Of course I wouldn't!" He replies, equally as hushed. "You know me, Sky." I let out a breath I didn't know I has been holding. That's all the reassurance I need. I do know him. And I know he wouldn't do that.

I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, feeling suddenly exhausted by this whole morning. Since the moment Luke walked through the garage door I've been worried and stressed. We may not be on such normal terms at the moment, but it doesn't mean I don't worry about who beat him up. Nobody deserves that, not even Luke. No matter how much his comment hurt my feelings, he didn't deserve that.

"Aw! Michael. You have to admit that's pretty cute!" I hear Ashton squeal and open my eyes to find him staring right at us. He must have been referring to me lying with closed eyes on Calums shoulder. I quickly sit up in the hopes no more attention will be brought to us - meaning Luke and Michael seeing.

Unfortunately they already have.

Michael is breathing heavily and Luke is staring at his feet and chewing on his lip. I don't know if Luke saw since I can never read his emotions correctly and he's always acting a little strangely but Michael definitely has. He's gone a little pale in fact.


"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Luke asks me as we leave the garage.

"Yeah, sure." I reply, confused as to why he wants to speak to me after making it clear he didn't want to hang out with me.

Calum and Ashton catch up with us as we walk away, Michael still locking the garage up.

"Everything alright here?" Calum asks, pulling me into his side almost protectively.

"Yeah, just going to talk to Luke for a minute, I'll be right back!" I smile at him but he doesn't return it.

"Are you sure you want to?" He asks quietly.

"Yes...why wouldn't I?" I'm confused with Calum's question.

"Doesn't matter." He mumbles, pulling me closer and giving me a kiss on the lips. I think he wanted it to last longer but I pull away and nod, giving him a small smile. I don't feel exactly right kissing him in front of an audience, in front of Luke. At least not yet. I'm still not used to this.

I try to pull away from his embrace but he pulls me back "Want to come back to my place?" Calum whispers into my ear and I shiver. I shivered from the close proximity of his breath on my neck but I think Calum thought it was something else because I can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks. "Don't bother talking to Luke, just come back with me."

"No. I'm going to talk to Luke." I pull away from him, ignoring his protests.

"Fine, but be quick okay?" His question sounds more like a command as he walks back to the house with Ashton and Michael.

"You invited her to your place?" I hear Michael ask, sounding outraged. "Just you fucking remember she's 16."

"Well you weren't supposed to be listening, Mikey. And she's almost 17." Then their conversation fades into nothing as they enter my house, leaving me and Luke alone.

I turn back to Luke who is standing with clenched fists.

"Are you alri-" I begin to ask but am cut off with an angry Luke.

"He invited you to his place?" He spits through clenched teeth. He tugs at the roots of his hair in some kind of distress.

"Yes. Why?" I ask, beginning to get annoyed. Its completely ordinary for a boyfriend to invite their girlfriend around. I don't know why people are overreacting so much about this.

"Don't you understand? This is why you need to stay away alright?" He breathes heavily. "You don't know what he's doing, you don't know him enough." Luke begins to pace.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, confused. What does he mean I don't know him enough? I know him just fine.

"I didn't think leaving practice for a matter of days would matter." Luke mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut and holding the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"What?" I've not a clue what he's going on about or if I was even supposed to hear the last thing he said. "I thought you were ill anyway?"

"Okay. Just listen to me when I say this." He takes a deep breath and drops his hand from his face, locking his piercing blue eyes with mine. "You need to stay away from him, you-you." He pauses. "You don't know what he's planning." And with that Luke storms off. He doesn't go back to the house, he swings the garden gait open and it hits the fence with a bang. He runs down the street and off into the distance where I can no longer see him.

As I walk back into my house I'm greeted with an awaiting Calum.

"Where's Ashton and Michael?" I ask, looking around Calum in the doorway we're currently standing in.

"Ashton left and Michaels in his room. I waited for you, are you still going to my house?" He asks with a smile on his face and...worry? His eyes look a little worried.

"Yeah, I am." I smile. I still do want to go to his house. If anything, Luke has pushed me more in the direction of going than not. He's being ridiculous and strange.

I don't know what's wrong with him, but I know for a fact that there's nothing wrong with Calum.

"Lets go then." He grins and takes me by the arm out of my front door.

A/N ~ Hope you like this chapter guys! Remember to vote and comment c:

I'm so glad you guys are reading! 54 votes n_n *does the happy dance*

Love you all xDDD

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