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A/N ~ IMPORTANT ASHTON A/N: There's going to be a lot of drama in some of the future chapters but I need opinions on this one matter. Okay, so Ash is her best friend but do you guys want a Skashton moment? Yes or no! Let me know c:

And some people do character asks? I think they're called that. Where you get to ask the characters in the book questions. Anyway, do you guys want one of them? MAY AS WELL TRY SOMETHING NEW YOU KNOW BC WHY NOT

And just to clear up, I didn't meet 5SOS, when I said I went to a 5SOS meet-up I meant like a fan meet-up...IF I MET THEM ID BE FREAKING THE HELL OUT xDD 

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Paige sobs, hugging my side tightly making it hard to continue the things I'm trying to do.

"What's she saying now?" Ash asks down the phone. "I can just hear a sort of wailing sound." He giggles.

"Yes." I huff, awkwardly balancing the phone between my shoulder and ear whilst trying to close my overly packed suitcase. Whilst I do this I'm trying to shake Paige off from my arm. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss Paige a lot when I'm on tour with the boys but she could at least let go for 5 minutes. My arm feels dead and my blood circulation stopped about an hour ago when she first latched on. "She wont let go and she just keeps crying." I sigh before letting out a small laugh and talking to Paige. "I'll miss you too Paige."

"Okay, so we're driving in Calum's truck since it fits more people in it than my car." He explains. "He's picking up Luke, then me, then we're coming around to your place so we'll all be at yours in about an hour. Once we're all in the truck we're-"

"PAIGE LET GO FOR ONE DAMN SECOND!" I shout as the phone slips and I try to pick it up, still tugging at the zipper of my suitcase and shaking my other arm for Paige to let go. "Sorry Ash, what were you saying?" I ask once I give up on the suitcase and pick up my phone. He giggles before continuing.

"Okay, so when we're all in the truck we basically go to the airport and we're flying to America first. We're meeting One Direction there." He pauses before saying "You're not going to turn out into a really girly girl and freak out over One Direction are you?"

"Mr Irwin, do you not know me at all?" I mock horror in my voice. Ash knows I don't love One Direction. I don't hate them either but I just don't like to listen to their music. Some of it you cant exactly get away from since its played on practically every radio station there is but I try to avoid that by listening to Kerrang - the best music channel of all time. "You know I don't like their music all that much, when I meet them its not like all of a sudden I'll become a Directioner." I laugh.

He giggles again in response. "You never know! Anyway, I'll see you in an hour!" And he hangs up. You can just tell from the happy tone to his voice, the speed he was talking at and the amount of times he's giggled that he's hyper and really excited about this tour. The time between posting their videos to Youtube and getting an offer to tour with the biggest boy band in the world was extraordinarily small, and I think he's just realising, like all of us are, that although they had said they would go somewhere as a band, they really are going somewhere now. They're beginning to truly believe it now.

I let my phone drop to my bed before turning back around to Paige who is still shamelessly weeping, clinging to my arm like a koala might to a tree. "Paige, I love you to pieces. I really do, but if you don't let go I'm going to be late....I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, please get the hell off me."

"S-sorry." She sniffs, finally detaching herself. My fingers begin to tingle before the tingles run up my arm. I flex my hand, trying to get rid of the pins and needles. "I'm just going to miss you. I mean, how long does this tour last? Like a year?!" At her words, I take her arm to drag her back toward me and give her a bone crushing hug. "And its not even just you, Michael is going too! You guys are the only people I actually like!"

My Brother's Best Friends // 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now