Chapter 1

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Feeling the soft gentle breeze that's caressing her cheek, as if to kiss her good morning, Princess Yan Da slowly opened her eyes. She quickly shut them though when she felt the intense pain in her body. It felt like someone was stabbing and burning her from the inside out. She let out a pained whimper.

Ying Kong Shi immediately wake up when he heard Yan Da's pained whimper. "Yan Da, what's wrong?" he said, eyes full of worry. Gently, he put his hand over her forehead. Ying Kong Shi's eyes widened. She was burning up. How was this possible?

Forming an ice, he shifted Yan Da so that her head was on his lap. She would be more comfortable like this, he thought. He was about to put the ice on her forehead, when it suddenly melted.

What's going on? He formed another ice. He was about to place it again on her forehead when Yan Da's eyes snapped open. Ying Kong Shi caught his breath. Yan Da's eyes had change. Not the usual fiery red that the fire tribe has. These ones were golden and they were blazing like a hot molten lava.

Hesitantly, he called out her name. "Y- Yan Da?"

Yan Da didn't answer. It was as if she couldn't hear him at all. He was about to call out her name again. When he was, suddenly, pulled down and then a pair of soft lips were pressed into his.

Yan Da's POV

Hot. It's  so unbelievably hot that even my body couldn't take it. Though despite the pain that I am feeling, I know that there's someone in my mind.

Who are you? What's happening to me!?

"Hush, child." Said a gentle voice. "You have to bear the pain."

Yan Da could feel something changing inside her. It was like her body was rearranging itself.

" A bit more." The voice said again. And she felt, a pulse?

"There, it is done." The voice said proudly. " You were very brave, Yan Da. Now, then, awaken child of fire and light!"

Hearing that, Yan Da's eyes snapped open.

The first one she saw was Yun Fei. She felt happy. But then she remembered what happened and who he is. Her heart broke.

Making up her mind, if this is the last time we'll be together like this then I'll take everything that I could. She then pulled Ying Kong Shi down and kissed him.

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