Chapter 15

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Shi and Yan Da had arrived at their cave. The one where their bond was formed.

Yan Da fondly look around the cave. She smiled. A small place but so precious. It holds most of her treasured and painful memories.

Noticing her sad look, Shi gently hugged her from behind. "Yan Da." He said. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind then. It was a stupid decision."

Turning her so he could meet her eyes, he continued. "I promise that I won't do it again. Back then, I thought I was doing the right thing... that I was protecting you. However, I realized that it was a mistake. So, please forgive me. I'll make it up to you."

"Ying Kong Shi..." said Yan Da touched. But then Shi continued, jokingly," Besides you make a lot of stupid decisions."

Yan Da then smacked him in the head. She could feel the vein in her forehead pulsing. Seriously, I was really touched then he has to ruin it!

Shi rubbed his head, pouting. Yan Da just glared at him but she's laughing on the inside. Her mate is really sweet and adorable.

Suddenly, a messenger owl swooped down in front of Yan Da. Shuo Gang's voice then could be heard from it.

"Yan Da, I don't know where you are but if you're hearing this then the owl found you. You have until the sunset tomorrow to return to the Ice Palace. I told father that you were bored and have gone out training. You better be on time or I'll tell father the truth."

After delivering that, the owl left flying back to the Ice Palace.

Yan Da blinked and then smiled fondly. She's glad that her brother got her back even if he is sometimes mean to her.

"Well, Ying Kong Shi it seems like we have until tomorrow."

Shi grinned, pulling Yan Da into his arms again. He doesn't understand why exactly but he just really wants to hold her.

"Then we'll treasure every second." He whispered. Yan Da returned his embrace, letting her head rest on his shoulder. She let out a contented sigh.

The moon smiled, shining more brightly above them.

For a while, they just stayed like that...cherishing each other's presence. Silently, listening to each other's soft breathing and rhythmic heartbeat. Feeling each other's warmth...

Slowly, the atmosphere change. Yan Da heard Shi's heartbeat became faster. Questioningly, she looked up meeting his eyes. Shi just stared back, looking at her with love, amazement and passion.

~ WARNING: Lemon ahead. (R -18) ~

Shi then cupped her cheek, leaned in and claimed her lips with his. Yan Da smiled into the kiss. She could feel his love and longing for her. "Yan Da," he whispered. His voice full of want. She replied by pulling him towards her and kissing him passionately.

Not breaking the kiss, Shi gently pushed her towards their make shift bed until she was lying on her back. Him on top of her. He then gently bit her lip, making her moan.

His lips trailed kisses across her jaw down to the column of her throat, nipping and sucking. Purposely, engraving his mark on her. Yan Da gasped, digging her nails on his arms. Shi didn't mind.

In return, he unclothed her. Throwing her clothes uncaringly beside them. He then let his hands wander and explore her body, making her writhe and moan in pleasure.

Yan Da let him dominate her, submitting herself fully to him. She has nothing fear unlike before. Now, she is sure that he wouldn't leave her.

She felt him cupped a breast before taking it into his mouth. She moaned in response, tangling her fingers in his hair.

It kept her mate's mouth locked into her breast as her back arched from intense pleasure.

"Ying Kong Shi!" she called out, gasping. She pulled his hair, asking for a kiss. Shi smirked but indulged her, ravishing her mouth.

Removing his clothes, Yan Da let her mischievous hands roam too, teasing his sensitive spots, making him moan and shiver.

She settled them on his back though when she felt his hands trailed down her body, slipping a finger inside. Yan Da bit her lip, hips moving as her mate slowly pumped his finger.

Shi pulled away from her chest, kissing Yan Da's forehead and gazing at her. He looked at her in wonder. She looked so beautiful, he thought.

He then slipped another finger in her wonderfully stretching her, making her come with a shudder.

Pulling his fingers out, Shi positioned himself.

"Ready?" he asked Yan Da. She nodded, smiling softly at him. He smiled back. Kissing her wrist softly, the one with his mark as he slowly entered her. He felt her nails sink deeper on his back.

Shi worriedly look down, stopping for a moment.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly brushing her tears away. This is only the second time that they did this after all.

Yan Da smiled at him reassuringly. "Yes, please keep going."

Shi then moved but slowly not wanting to hurt her.

Only when she started meeting his trust that he moved faster. Her whimpers becoming moans.

They are glowing now. Instead of golden lights though, the ones enveloping them now are red and white lights, dancing and intertwining around and inside them.

Suddenly, the lights flashed brightly as intense orgasm rippled through the couple's body.

_Lemon End_

Shi braced himself, gently removing himself from her. He then wrapped his arms around her, kissing her on the temple. Yan Da closed her eyes, listening to Shi's heart racing still. The same with hers.

"Good night, my mate." Shi whispered into her ear. Yan Da smiled kissing Shi's chest. "Good night." She whispered back. Both fell asleep then, not noticing how the cave pulsed giddily and how the fire princess body glowed brightly in peach color.


The next day was spent by the two exploring the human realm. They tried human food. Some they liked while some made them cringing in disgust.

They were having a lot of fun though. They played games with the mortal children and even helped a lot people. Of course, they did all of these in a disguise.

The time to separate came though, making Shi a bit sad. Yan Da cheered him up though. She told him that they'll see each other soon enough. Her father would surely tell him and his brother to come back to the Ice Palace.

After a kiss, they bid each other good bye.

Unbeknownst to both, this moment is the calm before the storm in their relationship.

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