Chapter 19

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Ka Suo had also talked to his father. Unfortunately, like Yan Da his father told him to do it for the sake of their tribe.

Ka Suo feels bitter. He really hated being a royal. The constant battle in making a decision between your people and your wants. The pressure of being the next king. He feels trapped. Unable to breath freely.

He closed his eyes, letting his body rest on the cherry blossom tree. This is one of the things that could calm him other than Li Luo and Shi.

He was finally calm when he felt someone else coming near the cherry blossom trees. He didn't know why but he hid his aura. His body is already hidden so he doesn't need to worry about being seen.

Poking his head out, he silently looked as to who it is.

He saw the fire princess, looking at the cherry blossom trees. What is she doing? Observing her. He noticed that her eyes were red from crying. He felt a pang on his chest. The situation must be hard on her too.

He was about to leave her alone when he noticed that the fire princess looked like she's about to faint. Worried. He went to her, uncloaking his aura.

"Princess Yan Da!" he called out, making the princess looked at him.

"Prince Ka Suo?" she said, frowning.

"Are you alright?" he asked when he was near her.

"I'm fine." She said but he knew that she's lying. Ka Suo looked at her, meeting her eyes.

"Don't lie. Here let me help you," he said, picking her up and letting her rest on a cherry blossom tree. Yan Da breath in deep and out.

Ka Suo sat beside her, looking at her worriedly and guilty. The fire princess is quite pale. Is this because of the injuries she has because of me?

Yan Da's breathing slowly even out, sleeping. Her head resting in Ka Suo's shoulder. Ka Suo kept still. He let her sleep. It's the least thing he could do for her.

Afternoon, in the palace...

Shi is looking for Yan Da. He hasn't seen her since morning. Shi frowned. I hope she's fine.

"Prince Shi?" Li Luo said disrupting his thoughts.

"Li Luo?" he said, blinking. The envoy guardian smiled. "Sorry to interrupt but have you seen Prince Ka Suo?"

"Huh, Ge? Uh no..." Shi replied, thinking. "Ah, he's probably at the garden of cherry blossom trees."

"Oh. See you later then Prince Shi." She said about to leave.

"Wait," Shi stopped her. " I'm going with you. I have something to ask my brother too."


Not far from the cherry blossom trees, the two saw Prince Ka Suo's form. Shi was about to call him out when Li Luo pulled him back, shushing him. Shi looked at her questioningly. She avoided his gaze. Curious, he looked at his brother again... closer this time. He gasped, looking at the "couple" in front of them.

His brother is asleep same with Yan Da. Her head on his shoulder. Shi gulped, trying to remove the big lump on his throat.

Li Luo sadly stared at duo. " Well, they look good together." She said voice trembling.

Shi didn't say anything. He just turned his back and slowly walked away.

Night came...

Yan Da slowly, woke up. Groaning, she opened her eyes.

"You're finally awake." Said Ka Suo.

Yan Da looked at the dark sky. She silently cursed. "Did you stay here just waiting for me to wake up?"

Ka Suo chuckled. "Nah, I slept too." He said, studying the princess beside her. "You look better."

Yan Da just looked at him then stood up. "We should get back. People are probably looking for us."

Ka Suo nodded, standing up too. "Princess Yan Da the marriage between us..."

" is not going to happen." She continued, standing in front of him. "I'll think of something. So, don't worry about it. Whatever, I'll come up with. Promise me you will agree to it."

Ka Suo met her determined gaze. He smiled. She's really something, he thought. "Promise. Just don't force yourself too much."

Yan Da smiled. "It's a closed deal then." She said then run. When she's far enough, she called out to him. "Ka Suo, come on. Are you really just going to walk slowly like that!?"

Ka Suo laughed, running after her.

The palace is so quiet when they reached it. Bidding goodbye to each other. They went to their own room. A big smile on their faces. Surprisingly enough, they did enjoy each other's company.

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