Chapter 24

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"Ka Suo?" Lan Shang stated, eyes narrowing. She then slowly walked towards the frozen Ice Prince. "Do you have something to explain to us?"

"I-it's not mine!" Ka Suo blurted out. Lan Shang's gaze was scaring him. Not to mention, his own lover's death glare directed at him.

Luckily for him, the door suddenly opened. Revealing an out of breath Shi.

The younger prince then entered the room. Immediately going to Yan Da when he saw her.

"Yan Da," he said, picking her upper body up. The fire princess whimpered burrowing her face on his chest. Shi's eyes soften, kissing her on the forehead. Shi closed his eyes calming himself before looking at Huang Tuo.

"What happened?"

"Her organs started collapsing. No need to worry though Prince Shi. The Ice leaf cured her." the healer said, reassuring him. "Uh, there's something else too..." he dragged on, directing Shi on his mate's stomach.

Shi's forehead creased. He then put his hand over Yan Da's stomach. He gasped, looking at his mate. His hold on her tightening.

"The baby..." Shi started.

"Is fine too." Huang Tuo finished, making Shi breath in relief. He then fully picked Yan Da up.

Meeting his brother's eyes, he said. "Ge, I know you have a lot to ask but can we talk later?"

Ka Suo nodded, letting his younger brother leave with Yan Da.

After making sure that his mate is alright, Shi went to meet his brother.

He found Ka Suo sitting under his cherry blossom trees, looking at the sky. He smiled, sitting beside his brother.

"When did it start?" Ka Suo asked. Shi smirked. Direct to the point, huh?

"Our relationship or my feelings for her?" Shi asked back.

"Both." Ka Suo replied.

Shi closed his eyes, leaning on the tree behind him. "Honestly, I don't know when I started having feelings for her. Maybe, it's the first time we met. I just realized it when she protected me from his brother."

Ka Suo smiled, hearing the fondness in Shi's voice.

"Our relationship started, the day before I went back to you guys." Shi finished, making Ka Suo chuckled.

"So, that's why from time to time I saw you spacing out. She's also the reason why you suddenly left, isn't she?"

Shi nodded. Ka Suo sighed, leaning on the tree too. "You two are pretty amazing hiding it for so long."

Shi grinned," So, you don't object?"

"No. I can see that she makes you happy. Besides, she'll be an amazing sister-in-law." Ka Suo told him honestly.

Shi smiled happily. Glad that his Ge accepted his mate.


It's night time when Yan Da woke up, looking around she noticed Shi standing on the balcony.

"Looking for a wishing star?" she asked, hugging her mate from behind.

"I actually saw two already," He replied, smiling.

"What did you wish for then?"

"The war to end and for our tribes to finally get along so that we can be together."

Yan Da smiled sadly. "Do you think it's possible?"

"Why not? You and I happened." He said, facing her. "Yan Da, be extra careful tomorrow." He then put her hand on her stomach. Yan Da gasped, feeling a pulse in there.

"A... baby?" She said in surprise and wonder.

Shi smiled, nodding. Yan Da then squealed, hugging her mate happily. She had always wanted to be a mother. Some may say it's the wrong time to have a child but they didn't care. All that matters is that they're in this together.

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