Chapter 6

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Arriving at the Ice Palace, Yan Da saw her father at the bridge. Silently watching the people down below.

"Father! I am here." Said Yan Da making her presence known.

"Good. Yan Da go and tell our troop to prepare for tomorrow. Our destination will be the mermaid castle. I am sure that Ka Suo and his group will be going there next."

" Yes, father." She said, bowing. She then left to do what she's told.

Knowing my father his target is probably Ka Suo. I can't let anything happen to him. Ying Kong Shi would be devastated. I have to think of something fast, she thought.

Night came, Yan Da cloaked her aura and sneaked out of the palace. Evading the guards was easy for her so she was now outside the Ice Kingdom.

Making sure that no one was following her, she continued her journey.

Not long, she arrived at her destination. The camp was so quiet. Ka Suo and the rest were fast asleep. Not wasting any time Yan Da went to Ka Suo and let him drink the potion she's holding. Ka Suo's body glowed. Seeing that Yan Da smiled satisfied.

The next day came...

As expected, Ka Suo and the gang did go to the mermaid kingdom. Unknowingly, walking into a trap. Surprised and outnumbered the group was easily defeated.

Also as Yan Da expected, her father did focus on Ka Suo even taking him from the group to fight him one on one. Yan Da bit her lip. She hoped that the potion was strong enough.

After the attack, his father ordered them to return to the Ice Kingdom immediately. Yan Da secretly separated herself from the troop though when her father and Shuo Gang were gone.

Cloaking herself and aura again. She went back to the mermaid palace. She saw Lan Shang crying and Li Luo beside her trying to comfort her. She passed by them. Entering the room, she saw Ka Suo laid on a bed. He's unconscious. Shi wasn't there.

He probably called Huang Tuo, she thought. Lifting her hand, she let her energy flow going into Ka Suo. Little by little dark aura came out from Ka Suo going quickly into Yan Da.

Yan Da gasped. I guess, father did indeed intend to kill him. It was agonizingly painful but she endured it. She has to transfer it all to her after all. No trace should be left behind, she said to herself. A moment later and she's done.

She then quickly left.


Shi was angry. Angry at the fire king, at the Mermaid Saint for easily giving in and at himself for being weak. Unable to protect his Ge.

Huang Tuo was now checking on Prince Ka Suo. He blinked in confusion though when he couldn't find anything wrong with his majesty.

"What wrong?" asked Shi immediately, noticing his expression.

Huang Tuo focused his confuse gaze on him. "It seems that Prince Ka Suo is merely unconscious."

"What?" Shi asked surprised.

"It's odd but Prince Ka Suo is perfectly fine. He has no internal injuries and his vitals are normal." Huang Tuo explained.

Shi let out a relieved sigh. "That's good isn't it?"

Huang Tuo nodded. Then he smiled. "Prince Shi you could tell Li Luo and Princess Lan Shang the good news. They're probably worried sick. I'll look over Prince Ka Suo once more just to be sure."

Shi nodded and went out the room.

Hearing the news, Li Luo and Lan Shang couldn't help but cheer. Their most important person is fine and that's what important.

Shi smiled happily too. His Ge is fine. Somewhere in his mind though, a warning bell is ringing. Telling him that something's wrong. Too occupied in his happiness he didn't pay attention to it.

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