Chapter 10

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Prince Shuo Gang was pacing back and forth in his sister's room. His mei mei isn't back yet.

Where is she!? He asked in frustration and worry. She's supposed to be back by now.

People don't see it but he does care deeply about his only sister. Among his siblings, she's his favorite. She's not afraid to stand up to him or to their father. She's brave and stubborn. And could be one big of a headache but Shuo Gang wouldn't have her in any other way.

Shuo Gang sighed. Letting his mask fall, he's alone in his sister's room anyway. You could see the worry in his eyes. He noticed that his sister was acting strange when she came back from the bear tribe. She was so silent the first week. The next weeks though she was fuming in anger. She didn't hold back in their training sessions. When drinking, she broke the cup she's holding.




So, he gave her space. Something happened between her and the young ice prince. There's no doubt about that. At first, he thought that she was just angry that the Ice Prince had fooled her.

Watching her actions though, he realized that there's more than that. Something happened that hurt his Mei mei deeply.

Yan Da, I hope you didn't do anything reckless, he thought. This isn't the first time that Yan Da had done this but his guts were telling him that something's wrong. I'll give her time if she's not back in two days I'll have no choice but to tell father.

One last look at the room then he left. He needed to think of a good excuse to tell his father. You better be here in two days Yan Da.

At the same time, in the mermaid palace...

Ka Suo was looking at the wide ocean. He couldn't sleep. He was thinking about what happened and his brother's expression before he left.

He lifted his right hand, examining it. He didn't tell the others but he knew someone had save him. He could still feel the energy of that person inside him. He knew it was from the fire tribe. It felt hot but it didn't hurt him. Actually, it felt good. Comforting even.

What he doesn't understand though was the reason why that person saved him. Who was it? Why save me?

Putting his hand down, his thoughts drifted back to Shi. The fear and worry in his brother's eyes made him restless. Something was going on with his brother.

He noted Shi's strange behavior since he came back from the bear tribe. Yes, Shi was cheerful and acted like he always did. However, there were times when Shi's smiles looked strained and forced. He also had this faraway look like he's thinking of someone. Someone he loves and longs for. Those instances were rare though so Ka Suo didn't focus on them. He was just glad that his brother was back.

Now, he regretted not paying attention to those times. Maybe if he had, some of his questions would have been answered. He'll know what's going on with Shi. He massaged his temple. He could feel a headache starting.

Knowing that he should now rest, he went back to his room. Praying for his brother's well- being, he was finally able to sleep.

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