Chapter 12

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When the sun rose, Ka Suo decided to go to the healer's tribe. He didn't know why but something was compelling him to go there. So, without a second thought he told his plan to the Mermaid Saint and bid her good bye.

As always, Li Luo followed him. They hadn't gone far though when Lan Shang stopped them, telling them that the Mermaid Saint told her to go with them.

So, now the three of them are at the Healer Tribe. Lan Shang was excitedly looking around. It's the first time that she'd been there. She's fascinated with the people's houses. Simple yet beautiful, she observed.

Not long, they arrived at Huang Tuo's place.


"Prince Ka Suo, Li Luo and Princess Lan Shang," Huang Tuo said, greeting the three.

"Huang Tuo," acknowledged Ka Suo, smiling at the healer. "It's good to see you again."

"You too, Your Majesty," he replied. " But may I know why you are here? Is everything alright?" he asked concern lacing his voice.

Ka Suo shook his head, reassuringly smiled at Huang Tuo. "No need to worry," he said. "Everything's fine. I'm here to ask you something. Can we go to somewhere more private?"

Huang Tuo is a bit nervous. But he still calmly answered the Ice Prince, "Of course your majesty."

He then led them to his room.

While Huang Tuo had gone to greet the trio, Luna went to inform Prince Shi and Princess Yan Da of the trio's arrival. Luckily for her, the two had stopped kissing.

Luna knocked on the open wooden door, getting the duo's attention.

Bowing to Shi, she said" Prince Shi, Prince Ka Suo, Li Luo and Princess Lan Shang are here."

"Ge is!?" Shi exclaimed.

"Yes," she confirmed.

Shi looked at Yan Da, meeting her unsure gaze. He could feel her uncertainty and fear.

He then smiled. "Yan Da," he said, holding her hand. "It's your decision. What do you want to do?"


Meanwhile... at Huang Tuo's room.

They were all now seated, facing each other. Li Luo and Lan Shang are curious but they kept quiet. They could feel the tension in the room.

"Huang Tuo," started Ka Suo. "When you checked on me last time, did you notice anything weird?"

Huang Tuo furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember.

"There was nothing, Prince Ka Suo." He answered. "Your energy and vitals were all normal."

"I see." Said Ka Suo.

"Why did you ask, your majesty?" he prodded.

"It's because..." the Ice Prince drag on not sure if he should tell them. But I need answers, he thought. So he continued, "I could still feel a foreign energy in me."

Lan Shang gasped, looking worriedly at Ka Suo. "Ka Suo, is it hurting you?"

Ka Suo smiled at her, shaking his head. "No, it actually feels comforting."

"Prince Ka Suo this foreign energy. Do you know who it belongs to?" inquired Li Luo.

The prince looked at the three. "I don't know who exactly, but I do know what tribe that person is."

"Where?" Huang Tuo asked, shifting in his sit.

"  From the fire tribe." The prince answered.

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