Chapter 9

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Shi was livid. He had heard everything that Huang Tuo had said. His body trembled in anger. Not at Yan Da but at himself. His mind was filled with whys and what?

He blinked away the tears forming in his eyes. He needed to calm his self. So, he went out and took deep breaths. Inhale then exhale until he felt himself slowly relax.

He blames himself. First, his Ge. Now, his mate. He felt really useless. He let out a bitter laugh. Tears fell from his eyes.

Shaking his head, he went through the reasons why he left Yan Da. First, he wanted her to be safe. However, looking at the situation right now. He realized that he was wrong. How naïve he was. She'll never be safe. They're at war. Even his mark has its limits.

Realizing that, he made his decision. It'll be difficult but from now on, he'll find ways just to stay by her side. At least I'll be there when she needs me, he said to himself. I don't care anymore if Ge or the other tribe leaders find out. They would be hesitant and doubtful at first but I know they'll come to accept her.

Finally, composed. He went back inside. Luna and Huang Tuo were already gone. They went to the Ice Palace following the message that was delivered by Yan Da.

Going straight to his mate, Shi studied her. Lifting his hand that's trembling a bit, he caressed her cheek.

"Yan Da," he whispered. Seeing her like this, he remembered the second reason why he left her. He was scared. Scared of the feelings that the fire princess invokes in him. He had never felt this way before.

He knew that he was helpless when it comes to her. She could easily tear down his defenses and break his resolve. So, he left.

She's so pale, he observed. And a bit cold. Why did you do it Yan Da? Don't you know you're also important to me? You're my beloved mate. I'm sorry for always leaving you. I'm sorry for being a coward.

Taking Yan Da's left hand, he gently kissed it. Yan Da, from now on, I'll try my best to be always by your side. I can't lose you. Wo ai ni.

Yan Da shivered. Noticing this, he moved her a bit and then lied down beside her. He gathered her in his arms. When he was sure that his mate is comfortable, Shi slowly fell asleep.


Luna and Huang Tuo are back. They just came from the Ice Palace. their faces were grim. They didn't like what happened in the Ice Palace. Now, King Hou Yi is currently the King of the Ice Kingdom.

Entering the house, Luna suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Huang Tuo asked.

"Someone's here." She said. Looking at each other they cloaked their aura.

Luna scented the air locating the intruder. She directed Huang Tuo in the room where Princess Yan Da resided.

Huang Tuo followed her cautiously.

Their eyes widened though when they saw who it was. For a while, the two stood there gaping at the sleeping couple. It's unbelievable. Honestly, they didn't see this coming or perhaps they did?

Snapping out of their shocked state, the two decided to leave the couple alone. Besides, it's already night. They needed rest.

Maybe they were just too tired and were seeing things...

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