Chapter 17

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Prince Ka Suo and Prince Shi are now back at the Ice Palace. The two looked around, feeling nostalgic. Finally, they are back. They are home.

The two looked at each other, grinning.

"Be serious." Ka Suo said.

"Pfft. You're the one to talk Ge. You're also grinning like an idiot." Shi retorted back at his brother.

Calming themselves, they went to the throne room. There they saw the Queen, the Ice King, and Princess Lotus.

The Queen's face lit up when he saw her son.

"Father," said the two greeting the King. The king nodded, smiling at both. Both then separated, going to their respective mothers.

The Queen immediately hugged Ka Suo, tearing up. Ka Suo hugged his mother back. He really missed her.

While, Shi stood in front of Lotus. " Mom." He said.

"Shi?" she asked, tear eyed.

"You are Shi?" She asked again, standing up. Shi nodded. "Yes, it is I mother." He told her, smiling.

Lotus cupped her son's face then she hugged him tight. Shi too hugged her back.

The moment was ruined though when King Huo Yi entered the scene.

"What a touching scene," he said. "But there's no need to rush. You can have a family reunion later. Ka Suo and Ying Kong Shi rest in the bedchamber for a while. I shall host a reunion dinner for all of you tonight."

The people in the throne room didn't say anything but they could feel that something was up. Ying Kong Shi and Ka Suo looked at each other. All they could do now is to follow the fire king's order.


"Ying Kong Shi!" Yan Da happily said. Immediately hugging Shi when he entered his room. Shi chuckled, hugging her back.

"Hello, my princess." He said, letting her go. "How are you?" Giving her a once over.

Yan Da smiled. "I'm feeling better although parts of my body still hurt."

Shi's forehead creased in worry. Yan Da chuckled. "Silly, I told you I'm fine. Don't worry too much, okay?" She said, kissing him on the cheek.

Shi didn't reply. He just hugged her. He then pulled her into the bed.

"Ying Kong Shi?" she asked, curious at her mate's actions.

"Let me borrow your lap for a while," he said, lying on the bed then putting his head on her lap.

Yan Da smiled fondly at him, running her fingers through his hair. "Didn't get that much sleep?" She asked him.

"No." Shi mumbled already half asleep.

"Sleep then. I'll watch over you." She told him, softly humming a lullaby.

Night came and the celebration began. Flame invited the other tribe leaders also. They were all actually having fun.

Though that made Yan Da warier. She knew that her father wouldn't do something like this without any particular reason. He even invited the other tribe leaders.

At the middle of the party...

King Huo Yi then stood up getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Everyone as you know this celebration is for the reunion of the Ice family. However, that's not the only reason. King Lin Chao and I decided to make the alliance of Fire and Ice tribe stronger. So, I'm happy to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Yan Da to Prince Ka Suo."

Some people in the room cheered and laughed. Congratulating the two. Others were shocked, looking at the two parties involved.

Yan Da was frozen. Same with Ka Suo. They stood there, looking at each other with shocked expressions.

Now, what the heck are they going to do!? They didn't expect this at all!

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