Chapter 23

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Slowly, Ka Suo regained consciousness. Opening his eyes, he was met by his mother's worried gaze.

"Ka Suo," she said quickly seeing that his awake. "How are you?"

Ka Suo grimaced. His body hurts a lot. "I'm fine mother."

"What happened?" he asked

"Princess Yan Da blasted you off the wall, you don't remember?" her mother asked frowning. Ka Suo blinked, slowly the events that had happened came back to him. Man, Yan Da really didn't hold back huh?

"That means she won!" Ka Suo exclaimed, finally realizing it. His mother nodded.

"King Huo Yi had already announced that the engagement is off."

Ka Suo smiled, sighing in relief. His head throbbed though so he lied down again.

"Rest Ka Suo," the Ice Queen said. She then got up and left the room.


Yan Da same with Ka Suo was in her room, sleeping. She twisted in her sleep. Her brows furrowing. Her body feels so hot. Suddenly, a cold hand was placed on her forehead waking her up.

"Yan Da?" said a worried voice above her. She blinked, trying to clear her vision.

"Ying Kong Shi?" she said, a bit unsure to who it was.

"Yeah it's me. How are you feeling?" Shi said, helping her sat up.

"Not good." Yan Da answered honestly, putting her head on her mate's shoulder. Inhaling his scent.

Shi smiled, putting his arms around her. "You over strained your body." he stated.

"At least the marriage is off." she stated, burrowing her face deeper on his neck. His scent is stronger there.

Shi let her, knowing that she needed his scent to calm her body. Slowly, the pulsing stopped making Yan Da breathe in relief. She already felt better.

"Do you think they noticed?" She suddenly asked, looking at her mate.

She was asking about her last attack. The one that sent Ka Suo flying into the wall. In her desperation, she accidentally called out Shi's own powers.

Shi shook his head. "No, you were quick enough to cover it with your own energy."

"Sleep." Shi said, kissing her on top of her head. "You need to rest. You still have to meet with the others later."

Few hours later...

The tribe leaders are already in the meeting room. Ka Suo, then entered with Lan Shang and Li Luo.

"Prince Ka Suo, are you alright?" the tribe leaders immediately asked upon seeing him.

Ka Suo smiled, reassuring them. "I'm fine just a bit sore."

"Sorry about that," said Yan Da, behind him entering the room. "I didn't mean for my attack to be that strong."

Ka Suo chuckled. "I know. I saw your shocked expression before I passed out." Noticing her pale face, Ka Suo frowned. "But you don't seem fine. "

"Princess Yan Da, do you want me to take a look at you before we start?" Huang Tuo asked her. Worried at how pale she is.

Yan Da shook her head. " Later, I can still bear it." She said, smiling at them. "Besides we should discuss our plan immediately and incorporate it as soon as possible. Knowing my father, he will do something drastic because his plan failed."

Meanwhile with Shi...

Yan Da had asked him to stay in the palace to watch for his father and her tribe. So, here he was faking reading. All of his senses are up though. Observing for anything unusual.

Back to the others...

"It's decided then. We will do it tomorrow." Said Ka Suo, looking at the group. They nodded.

"Ah," Yan Da stated, getting their attention. "If anyone of you will meet me in the battle field, don't hesitate to attack me. I'm not your ally in there but your enemy." She said, looking at them in the eyes.

The tribe leader's looked at each other a bit hesitant.

"Understood?" Yan Da said full of seriousness. The group then nodded but in their mind as much as possible they'll avoid facing her.

"That's it then. The meetings adjourned," stated Ka Suo, standing up. Yan Da stood up too. Suddenly, though she was on the floor unconscious.

"Princess Yan Da!" Ka Suo exclaimed, crouching down to hold her. Huang Tuo immediately went to the duo while the others stand aside, worriedly looking at the fire princess.

The healer quickly checked on her. "This isn't good. Her organs are collapsing."

"What!?" Ka Suo asked, shocked.

"Prince Ka Suo let her lie down. I'll try to give her some of my energy to stabilize her condition."

Slowly, Huang Tuo directed his energy to the fire princess. He gasped, suddenly stopping.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Ka Suo stated, looking at the healer's surprised expression.

Following his gaze, the others too gaped in surprise. They saw the last ice leaf floating over the fire princess's unconscious form. It then glowed and pulsed. They could feel the raw and powerful energy coming from it.

Suddenly, it embedded itself in Yan Da's right wrist. Yan Da groaned snapping the group out of their shocked state.

Huang Tuo quickly went to her, checking on her once more. "She's all healed." He said, smiling. Happy that the fire princess is cured and not dying. The other's sighed. Honestly, they all see Yan Da as a friend.

Huang Tuo was about to let go of Yan Da when he felt something shift. His eyes widened.

"What is it?" Li Luo asked seeing his expression.

"Huang Tuo?" Lan Shang stated, getting his attention.

" I- it's nothing." The healer said, avoiding their gaze.

"No, it's not. You're avoiding our eyes. What is it?" Lan Shang insisted.

The healer sighed, meeting their gaze. He said, "S- she's pregnant."

Hearing that, the group looked at Ka Suo making the Ice Prince froze in place.

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