Chapter 16

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When Yan Da arrived at the Ice Palace, Shuo Gang is there waiting for her.

"Finally, you're here," he said, meeting her.

"Why did you worry that much?" Yan Da asked, teasingly.

Shuo Gang smirked. "As if." He denied but Yan Da noticed that he was subtly studying her.

Yan Da smiled. "Whatever. I'll go see father then."

She met her father in the throne room.

"Ah, Yan Da you're finally back. How was your training?" Her father immediately asked when she saw her.

"Great as always, father." She answered.

King Huo Yi nodded. "That's good. You may take a week off. There's nothing much to do anyway." He said dismissing her.

"Of course, father." She said then left the room. Glad that she has enough time to rest and meditate. She'll need all her strength for the upcoming events after all.


Shi went back to the Dream Tribe, knowing his brother that's where he'll be.

He wasn't wrong. Upon entering the gate, he easily spotted his Ge, Lan Shang, Li Luo and Xing Jiu in a booth.

"Ge!" he called out, getting their attention.

"Shi!" Ka Suo said, standing and hugging his brother. Shi hugged him back.

"Are you alright?" Ka Suo asked him immediately, holding his shoulder and checking on him. Shi laughed.

"I'm fine, Ge."

Ka Suo met his eyes. Suddenly, he smacked Shi on his shoulder.

Surprising Shi and the others.

"Ge, what was that for!?" Shi asked shocked.

"That's for leaving without any explanation. Are you going to tell us why you left?" Ka Suo asked, gaze fixed on him.

Lan Shang, Li Luo and Xing Jiu also looked at him silently prodding him with their eyes.

Shi avoided their gaze. Ka Suo sighed. "Forget it." He said, ruffling Shi's hair. "Just be safe, okay?"

Shi smiled. "Always."


Time passed by quickly. It had been a week already.

Yan Da felt better. Though, there's still a little strain on her body.

"Princess Yan Da, King Huo Yi asked for you." said a soldier. Yan Da smirked. It's time.

Getting up, she fixed herself. "Tell, father that I'll be there in a minute."

At the same time, the Tribe leaders are gathered once more...

"I'm glad that you are all here," Ka Suo told them. "A week has already passed. Tell me, what is your decision?" he asked them.

The tribe leaders met each other's gaze, nodding towards each other.

"Prince Ka Suo, we decided to go with your decision. Princess Yan Da being on our side does increase the possibility of us winning back the Ice Kingdom." They said.

Ka Suo smiled. "It's decided then from now on Princess Yan Da is one of us." The tribe leaders nodded in unison.

"I'm glad that you all agreed on that," said a voice interrupting them.

"Princess Yan Da!?" they all exclaimed. Ka Suo just shook his head, hiding a smile. A bit amused. He was getting used to the fire princess's randomness and unpredictability.

"How did you get in here?" Xing Jiu asked. He made sure no one can enter this dream. Unless...

"Sorry, big brother." Xing Gui said appearing behind Yan Da while looking apologetically at the people in the room.

"You!" said Xing Jiu about to scold his sister but Yan Da blocked him.

"Don't get mad at her. I'm the one who forced her. It's me you should get mad at." she said, challenging Xing Jiu.

"Enough," said Ka Suo, breaking the tension. "There must be a reason why you're here.", looking at Yan Da.

Yan Da smirked. "Indeed." she said. "I brought a message from my father. He wants you and Ying Kong Shi back in the Ice Palace." She informed them.

Ka Suo smiled. " I guess it's time to follow your plan then Princess Yan Da." He said, making Yan Da laughed.

Indeed, the fire princess thought meeting the eyes of her new allies.

After the meeting...

"Sorry about forcing you a while ago," Yan Da said to Xing Gui who merely smiled.

The two are in the Dream Tribe's garden, watching the beautiful flowers in front of them.

"It's fine. Besides it's not you really forced me." Xing Gui said laughing a bit.

"Yeah." Said Yan Da laughing with her. "Your brother would faint if he knew that."

Hearing that, Xing Gui just laughed louder. "I miss this." She suddenly said. Yan Da's eyes soften, feeling guilty. "Dui bu qi." She said.

Xing Gui and her were actually close when they were younger. However, when her father became suspicious she left Xing Gui alone. Xing Gui was deeply hurt back then. Yan Da was her only real friend. But years passed by and she understood why Yan Da left her...

Xing Gui shook her head. "Don't be. I understand why you did it. Yan Da... can you really do this? I know how much you love your father."

Yan Da let out a sad smile. "That's why I'm doing this." She said clenching her fist on her lap, trying not to cry.

Xing Gui felt her heart clenched painfully for her friend. She pulled Yan Da's hands, holding them. "Yan Da," she said, meeting her gaze. "You can always count on me. You know that right?"

Yan Da nodded, grateful at her friend.

Unbeknownst to both, they are being watched by Prince Ka Suo, Xing Jiu, Lan Shang, Li Luo and Shi.

"I didn't know that those two are close." Ka Suo said, observing the two. Xing Jiu sighed.

"They've always been "secretly" friends." He replied.

"Secretly?" Shi repeated, earning an amused chuckle from Xing Jiu.

"For years, until I caught Yan Da sneaking out of here. I never said anything about it because Xing Gui was happier since they became friends and Princess Yan Da didn't do anything to trouble us."

"They really looked happy." Li Luo said. Lan Shang nodded, agreeing. "I kind of envy them." She said.

Shi laughed, patting the mermaid princess's head. "Lan Shang, she's our ally now. You can be friends."

"You think so?" Lan Shang asked, looking at Yan Da.

"Of course." Shi reassured her, watching his mate. He could feel her happiness and excitement. He smiled. He's glad that Yan Da could talk to her friend again.

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