Chapter 11

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Author's note: Guys, thank you for voting , commenting and following me. I really appreciate it!  :) Here's an update for you ~


Morning came...

Huang Tuo was already awake. Refreshed and well rested, he went to check on the sleeping fire princess. Or more like to see if what they saw last night was real.

Entering the room, he didn't find Prince Shi. In fact, there's no trace that he's been there at all.

Maybe we were just really too tired last night...

So he shrugged and check on Yan Da. Too focused on what he's doing, he didn't feel the presence behind him.

"How is she?" asked the person, surprising Huang Tuo causing him to jump slightly away from Yan Da.

Huang Tuo looked behind him. His heart still beating erratically.

"Prince Shi!" he exclaimed. So, it wasn't a dream, he thought.

"Sorry," said Shi, noticing the healer's reaction. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Huang Tuo sighed and nodded, accepting the apology. "Princess Yan Da's condition is still the same. The only good thing is that her energy has already stabilized. She'll wake up any moment now."

As if hearing what he said, the fire princess's eyes fluttered open.

"Ying Kong Shi?" she whispered unsure if it was really Shi's voice that she had heard. Hearing her, Shi immediately went to her side. "Yan Da." he said, helping her sit up. "How are you feeling?"

"I-." Yan Da winched. She felt her head throb and her insides hurt.

Shi quickly cupped Yan Da's face in his hands. "Shh, Yan Da it's okay. Breath. It's going to be okay." He said, comforting her. Slowly, he massaged her temples, easing the pain she's feeling.

Yan Da slowly opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. She smiled." Thanks," she softly said.

Shi put his hands down. He returned her smile. Gently, he hugged her.

Yan Da hugged him back. She sighed, letting her mate's scent enveloped her. If only time will stop now..., she silently wished. You can't blame her. Right now, she felt content, safe and loved. Her mate is with her and she's happy.

Suddenly, she felt Shi's hold on her tightened.

"Ying Kong Shi?" she asked in confusion, not that she minded.

"Why?" Shi asked, making her look at him. "Why did you do that Yan Da?" he asked more clearly, Yan Da saw the anger and pain in his eyes.

"Ying Kong Shi, your brother would have died." She seriously said. "And knowing how much he means to you; you'll definitely lose yourself if that happens. I can't let you do that. I can't lose you."

"Yan Da..." Shi whispered. It's the only thing that he could say. He could feel her honest feelings. Her worry, her fear, her determination and most of all her love for him. They were so strong that they made him breathless and speechless.

"Ying Kong Shi," She continued, looking at him straight in the eyes. "As long as I can save you, I will do anything."

Suddenly, Shi is kissing her. He couldn't take it anymore. These feelings she's making him feel, her honesty and her words. They're making him crazy. He felt himself fall deeper, losing himself to her.

So, he kissed her deeply and roughly, conveying his feelings. Yan Da was surprised at first but after a moment she kissed him back, letting him dominate the kiss.


Outside, Huang Tuo is thinking. He left the room when Shi started massaging the fire princess temples. He felt like an intruder so he left them.

He was staring at nothing. His mind occupied by what he had witnessed between the two. He was baffled and confused.

"Huang Tuo?" Luna asked, standing in front of him.

Huang Tuo blinked, focusing his gaze on her. "Hi." He said.

"What's wrong?" she asked him again, noticing that he was spacing out.


"Prince Shi and Princess Yan Da?" she finished.

Huang Tuo nodded. "I'm confuse. A part of my mind is telling me that she couldn't be trusted. She's our enemy. On the other hand, the other part is convincing me to give her a chance. She saved Prince Ka Suo after all.

Luna smiled and held his hand. "I understand." She said slowly massaging the healer's hand. "But that's not all is it?"

"No," confirmed Huang Tuo." I'm also worried about her and Prince Shi. I saw how they interacted and looked at each other. They look so in love and happy." He told her. "I fear for their future."

Luna was silent, contemplating the things that he had said. After a while, she said," Let's give them a chance. Besides the future is not set on stone. Maybe, the two of them are the keys in ending this war and finally uniting all of our tribes. Don't you think so?"

Huang Tuo smiled. "You are right." he said, making Luna smile.

"Excuse me, Prince Huang Tuo and Lady Luna. I'm sorry to intrude but Prince Ka Suo, Li Luo and Princess Lan Shang are here." Said the servant to them, interrupting their conversation.

Hearing that, the two looked at each other and then at the room where Prince Shi and Princess Yan Da resided. Then at each other again.

Crap, they both thought. Now, what?

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