Chapter 18

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After the party, Yan Da immediately went out of the Ice palace going to the out coast of the Ice Kingdom.

"Aaaaaaaa!" She shouted angrily at the horizon. She destroyed most of the ice bergs that she saw floating in the water, letting out her anger.

Exhausted, she crumbled into the ground crying her heart out. Why is it that her father keeps doing these things to her!? Does she mean so little to him that he just uses her as a tool to get whatever he wants? Why? She asked.

"Princess Yan Da." a voice called out to her, trying to comfort her.

"Go away!" she said angrily, not even looking at the Mermaid Princess. Lan Shang didn't leave though. She stood there hesitant on what to do. She originally followed the fire princess to question her but when she saw her state. She felt her anger and jealousy dissipating, wanting to comfort the crying princess instead.

She went closer to the fire princess, ignoring the warning bells in her mind. Telling her to go back and leave the fire princess alone.

After a moment of hesitation, Lan Shang hugged Yan Da. Yan Da struggled for a while but Lan Shang kept her hold on her.

Yan Da gave up when she felt that the mermaid princess won't budge. She just cried and cried, letting Lan Shang hold her.

Not far away from both, Shi stood there hidden in the rocks. He could feel his mate's pain and anger. He clenched his fist, feeling helpless once again. So, he stood there watching over his mate and his friend.


Ka Suo is in his room, sitting down and blankly staring at the wall in front of him. His mind is in chaos.

Did Yan Da know about this? Is that why she saved me? He thought but remembering the fire princess expression he quickly erased those thoughts.

King Huo Yi said that his father agreed to it. Ka Suo sighed in frustration. What am I going to do!?

"Ka Suo?"

Ka Suo's eyes soften, looking at the person who called him.

"Li Luo," he said, standing up. "What are you doing here?"

"To see you, of course." She said, smiling sadly at him.

"Come here," beckoning her to come closer to him. When she was close enough, he hugged her resting his chin on her shoulder.

Li Luo hugged him back, listening to his heartbeat.

"Ka Suo," she began but Ka Suo silenced her.

"Please, not now." He said. "Just let me hold you."

So, they just stood there hugging each other. Cherishing the moment and the presence of each other.

Morning came...

Yan Da went to see her father immediately after breakfast.

"Father," she said. Her eyes burning in anger.

"Ah, Yan Da good morning to you too. What's with the early visit?" her father answered, leisurely drinking a cup of wine in his hand.

"You know why I'm here father." She said, eyes narrowing.

King Huo Yi put down the wine his drinking, finally facing his daughter. "Why are you upset? Prince Ka Suo is a good catch isn't he?"

"But I do not love him!" She said vehemently. Hearing this, King Huo Yi laughed. "Yan Da... Yan Da who told you that this is about love? This is all about securing our connection and maintaining control on the Ice Tribe."

Yan Da laughed bitterly. "And that's all that matters to you, isn't it? You're willing to use me just to get what you want. Do you even see me as your daughter? Or am I just a tool for you to be used!? She said, pain in her voice.

"Yan Da," the king said coldly. "Stop this nonsense. You are going to marry Prince Ka Suo whether you like it or not. That's my decision. Now leave. I still have matters to attend to."

Yan Da glared at her father. "This isn't over father." She said before leaving.

When his daughter left, King Huo Yi clenched his fist. In his mind, his daughter's words are being repeated over and over again...


Yan Da brushed off the tears in her eyes. I have to think of something. She's in the hall way, trying to calm herself. She was about to moved forward when she suddenly feels dizzy.

Now, that you mention it she's been feeling quite odd a lot lately. She thought it was because of her injuries but now...she's not so sure.

Feeling better, she walked onwards. It's probably nothing, she thought.

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