Chapter 4

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After his arm was healed, Shi got his brother's permission to go to the river near their camp. Ka Suo didn't want to but he let him after he insisted that he'll be fine. Overprotective older brothers, he thought. Shaking his head, but he's happy. He actually missed Ka Suo being like that.

Arriving at his destination, he immediately uncovers the bite mark that Yan Da made. It still a bit red but slowly turning purple. He traced it with his fingers. He smiled. Yan Da marked him. He wished it was permanent though. He sighed. Someday, he said. But for now, I'll settle for this. One last stroke and he concealed it again.

Now, to get some answers to my questions. His expression became serious. "Come out. I know you're here."

A giggle was his answer. Soft golden lights were accumulating in front of him. Little by little it formed into a small being. It looked human except for its bright emerald eyes and elfish ears. "You called? And here I thought you wouldn't notice." It said.

"Your aura wasn't hidden. I know you were there when Yan Da and I were in that cave. "What happened in the cave? Why is that I could feel Yan Da's emotions? "Shi asked continuously.

The being smiled, it wanted to play with him but seeing the serious look on his face, it just answered truthfully. "Hmm. So you're observant after all. In the cave, you were soul- bonded."

"Soul- bonded?" Shi asked confusedly.

"Uh huh. Soul bonding is just like marking her as your mate. Only it's your soul that's been mated. It means you'll never love someone like her and vice versa. No matter who is it. It also meant that when you're reincarnated, you'll always meet and be together. No one can stop it even fate." It playfully said. "How romantic."

"Oh." Shi said thoughtfully. "And its effect on my mark on her?"

"The bond made the effects of your mark stronger. Not only you two would be able to share your strongest emotions but also your thoughts and powers. Your mark would also always be there. Even if she was reborn, it'll stay on her wrist. Serving the purpose, you gave it - to protect and mark her as your own." It wistfully said, winking at him. "You may not look like it but you're pretty possessive aren't you?" It continued, teasingly.

Shi could feel his face heat up. "You're dismissed." He said, face heating up more when the being laughed when it saw him blushed.

"Bye, Prince Shi. Maybe we'll meet again, someday." It then disappeared.


Shi returned back into their camp. He saw Lan Shang already awake, sitting beside Ka Suo.

"Lan Shang." He called out. "I see that you're already awake. How are you feeling?"

"I feel a bit disoriented but I'm fine." She answered him, her brows furrowing. "Sorry, but who are you?"

Shi laughed. "It's me. Prince Ying Kong Shi of the Ice Tribe."

Lan Shang's eyes widened. "Shi!?" She exclaimed. "So you're not a brat anymore huh?" She said in good humor.

"Ya, who were you calling a brat!" Shi pinched her cheeks playfully. Looking at them bicker, Ka Suo laughed. Li Lou and Huang Tuo who were in front of them couldn't help but laugh too.

After a while, they talked about their next step. They then decided to go to the Mermaid's Palace to find the last ice leaf.

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