Chapter 5

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Yan Da was sitting under the cherry blossom tree, nursing her cheek. Her father could really throw a mean slap. She sighed, wondering what's happening to her lately. Her energy seems to fluctuate recently. She could also feel emotions that were not her own. What's really happening to me?

Closing her eyes, she let the scent of cherry blossoms ease her mind. Shi's scent. She bit her lip. She missed him. The past weeks were a torture to her. Waking up, in the cave, without him was the worst. She thought that he probably regretted it- what happened to them. But his actions a while ago told her that he didn't.

"Pretty." Said a tiny voice, interrupting her thoughts. Her eyes snapped open, just to be surprised by the tiny floating creature in front of her.

"W- what are you?" Yan Da said still startled by the creature. It had a long pink hair, red bright eyes and elfish ears.

The creature's eyes widened hearing Yan Da talk to her. Only one person could do that. "You could see me!?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes." Yan Da brows furrowed in confusion. "Am I not supposed to be able to see you?"

The creature nodded. "Because it's only supposed to be one person who could see me." The creature came closer to Yan Da, studying her. It then let out a happy laugh. "You're so pretty! I'm glad you could see me. I've been wanting a new friend since Prince Shi left! I'm Sakura. Guardian of Prince Shi's favorite trees." It said.

Yan Da laughed. The creature in front of her was so lively. Meeting Sakura's gaze, she said. "I'm Yan Da. Princess of the Fire Tribe."

"You're the Princess of the Fire Tribe!?" Sakura exclaimed. "That's cool I've been wanting to meet someone who belongs to the fire tribe for years! What's it like at your place? Is it really hot? Are there other creatures like me in there?" Sakura asked Yan Da excitedly, twirling around her.

Yan Da couldn't help but laugh again at Sakura's antics. "Slow down." She told Sakura. "And stop twirling, you'll hurt yourself like that."

Sakura stopped and settled herself on Yan Da's palm. "Sorry. I'm just really excited." She said sheepishly.

"It's okay." Yan Da said, continuing to answer Sakura's questions. "The Fire Tribe palace is a very hot place. It's surrounded by flames. Sadly, I haven't seen any other creatures like you in there."

"Oh." Said Sakura a bit disappointed, looking down. Her eyes caught something on Yan Da's wrist. Her eyes widened. "He marked you!" She shouted, looking at Yan Da. "That's why you're able to see me. Prince Shi claimed you!"

"What!? What do you mean by claimed!?"

"It means he had chosen you as his mate." Sakura answered. Noticing Yan Da's confusion, she continued. "You see. Prince Shi was a lonely child. He didn't have any friends and most of his siblings just ignore him. One day, he came here crying. Desperately, asking for someone to understand him and be his friend. That's when I was created. I became his friend and companion. But I couldn't go with him anywhere beyond these trees. I'm bound to this place. So when his 15th birthday came, I gave him a gift."

"What's the gift?" Yan Da asked curiously.

Sakura smiled. "To be able to mark the person he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with. Those three cherry blossoms on your wrist signifies that."

Yan Da was speechless. Sakura continued. "Not only that but the mark would protect you from any harm and let you be connected to him. You would feel his strongest emotions."

His emotions? Yan Da's eyes widened in realization. The emotions she felt these past weeks! They were Ying Kong Shi's!

She was about to ask Sakura more about the mark but a soldier came, informing her that her father asked for her assistance. Not wanting to anger his father, she quickly bid Sakura goodbye. Promising her that she'll visit her as soon as she could.

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