Chapter 8

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Shi suddenly stood up. He was talking to his Ge when he felt an intense pain.

"Shi?" asked Ka Suo surprised at his brother's action.

Shi didn't answer. His heart beating fast. Fear and worry clouded his mind. Something's wrong with his mate.

"Ge, I'm sorry but I have to leave for a while." Shi told his brother, giving him a comforting smile.

Shi then quickly left. Leaving Ka Suo confuse and worried. He noticed the fear in his younger brother's eyes.


Shi maneuvered his energy to easily locate Yan Da. The pain he felt was not ordinary. It was so intense. He felt it in his bones. He hoped that he finds her before ... Shi closed his eyes. He could feel her. She's still alive. I'm coming, Yan Da. Please. Hang on, he silently pleaded.

Finally, he located her.


Yan Da was now laid in a bed. Huang Tuo was currently checking on her. Luna was on the side watching.

"What's wrong with her?" she asked.

Huang Tuo shook his head. "This isn't good. Her injuries are severe. Her internal organs were all badly burned."

"What!?" Luna exclaimed.

Huang Tuo's expression became thoughtful. Suddenly, his eyes widened. His gaze returning to the unconscious fire princess.

"What is it?" Luna asked, noticing his expression.

"This maybe odd but I think... Princess Yan Da had saved Prince Ka Suo." Huang Tuo said almost whispering. "The injuries she has were the ones that were supposed to be in Prince Ka Suo right now. She took the pain and injuries from him."

"But why would she do that?" Luna asked voice full of disbelief and confusion. "Why would she save Prince Ka Suo? He is their enemy."

Huang Tuo didn't answer. He's confuse too. The fire princess had always been a puzzle. There were times when she was ruthless but he noticed that she also could be gentle and kind. The last time that she was here, he saw her playing and talking happily to the children of his tribe. He of course didn't tell this to anyone. No one would believe him anyway or so he thought.

He didn't know but Luna also saw the fire princess actions. Secretly, she feels sorry for the fire princess. It must be tough being the princess of the fire tribe.

"Can you cure her?" she asked breaking the silence. Huang Tuo smiled sadly. "I could. But the procedure is dangerous. One mistake and her soul will disappear completely," he said.

They were silent again after that. They don't like it being unable to help Yan Da. She may be their enemy but they know that someone's still going to cry if she dies.

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