Chapter 25

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The next day...

The fight happened. Everyone smoothly executed the plan. The tribe leaders fought the fire tribe soldiers while Ka Suo and Shi faced King Hou Yi.

The group had a difficulty defeating the fire tribe but they succeeded in the end. Fully reclaiming the Ice Kingdom.

Also, the Ice King and the Ice Queen has been freed from King Hou Yi's control. The citizens of Ice Tribe cheered. They're finally free from their enemy's hand.

Shi smiled celebrating with their people. Deep inside though he's a bit sad, knowing that his mate will be far from him from now on.

Days passed...

The Ice Kingdom is back to its former glory even the Ice sheath was healed because of the combined powers of Shi and Ka Suo.

Everyone is happy and celebrating still but not Shi. He's really missing Yan Da.

So here he is, sitting under his favorite tree thinking about his mate.

Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind. "Missed me?" the person said, making Shi gasped in surprised.

"Yan Da?" Shi whispered in disbelief, facing the person hugging him.

"Uh huh," Yan Da said, looking at him.

"How did you get in here?" he asked in amazement.

"I have my ways." His mate replied, winking. Shi laughed, hugging her tightly. Yan Da hugged him back, burrowing her face on his neck. She missed him so much.

Shi noticed something was wrong though when Yan Da looked up at him teary eyed. "What's wrong?" he asked, frowning.

"I miss you and I want to spend more time with you but I can't." She said, crying. "Ying Kong Shi, I came here to say good bye."

"What!?" Shi asked. "Is it your father?"

"No," Yan Da said. "He disappeared not long before we reached our kingdom. He went somewhere to recuperate."

"What is it then?" Shi prodded. Yan Da smiled, kissing him instead of answering. Shi kissed back, conveying his feelings.

"I love you," She said after the kiss." But I have to go." She said disappearing in front of him.

"Yan Da!" Shi shouted, tears falling from his eyes.

"I will return some day."

He heard in his mind. Shi clenched his fist, closing his eyes painfully.

"I'll be waiting." He replied.


Yan Da appeared, wiping her tears. She faced the two masked men standing on the edge of the coast of Ice Kingdom.

"Let's go." She said.

The two bowed, following her orders.

~The End~

(Or is it...)

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