Chapter 20

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Ka Suo was about the enter his room when he spotted a figure standing on the bridge. Curious, he went to see who it is. He saw Li Luo blankly staring at the concrete below the bridge.

"Li Luo," he called out. Hearing him, Li Luo quickly brushed off the tears falling from her eyes.

Too late though, Ka Suo had already seen her tears. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Li Luo replied, avoiding his eyes.

"It's not nothing if you are crying," Ka Suo seriously said. He doesn't like it when she cries. It felt like his own heart is being crushed.

"Li Luo," He gently said. "Come on, tell me what happened? Who made you cry?"

"Are you really going to marry Princess Yan Da?" She finally asked. Ka Suo was about to talk but she put up her hand, asking him to let her finish first. "Because if you do, it's fine by me. I saw you two a while ago. You really look good together."

She paused, taking a deep breath first before talking again. "And if you're worried that I will leave if you two got married. You don't have to. I promised that I'll always stay by your side. So even ..."

Ka Suo cut her off, kissing her deeply. After the kiss, he hugged her tight.

"Stop." He said bringing his forehead to hers. "Don't ever say those words again. What do you mean by It's fine by me!? You're too selfless Li Luo." He said a bit angry. "And no Princess Yan Da and I will not get married."

"Really?" Li Luo asked, looking into his eyes.

"Yes, you silly woman. You're the one that I love. Do you really think I will give up on you so easily?"

Li Luo chuckled. "I love you too." She said, kissing him again.

Not far from the two, a pair of pained eyes had witnessed their interactions.

Lan Shang stifled a sob, walking away from the couple. In the past weeks, she pretended that she didn't see it. The way they look at each other. The subtle touches here and there.

She repeatedly convinced herself that Ka Suo just saw Li Luo as his guard nothing more. That she has a chance. However, witnessing how he held and kissed his envoy guardian. She couldn't deny it any more. Ka Suo is in love with Li Luo.

Lan Shang leaned on the wall. She cried, letting her heart out. Why is it that loving someone hurt so much?

On the other hand, ...

Entering her room, Yan Da gasped in surprise when Shi was suddenly in front of her.

"Y- ying K-kong Shi." She said stuttering. Shi just looked at her, studying her coldly. Yan Da gulped, trying not to squirm under his gaze.

"Did you enjoy your sleep?" Shi asked her coldly. Yan Da frowned, trying to think what upset her mate. When she realized what it was, she hid a smile.

"I did," She said. "In fact, it's one of the best sleep that I've ever had."

Shi looked at her unbelievingly. He then turned around, not wanting for her to see his pained expression.

"Lucky for you then, huh? You'll get to sleep like that everyday once you married Ge." He said bitterly.

Yan Da bit her lip, trying not to laugh. Her mate is jealous. Cute.

"You're right," she said nodding, going in front of him. Shi avoided her gaze. "Sadly, the marriage is not going to happen," she continued, making Shi looked at her in surprise.

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