Chapter 3

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Weeks had passed. Ying Kong Shi was finally reunited with his older brother- Ka Suo. He feels happy yet deep inside he couldn't deny that he's missing Yan Da. He wondered if she's okay or if she had already recovered.

"Shi?" his brother's concerned voice disrupted his thoughts. Blinking his eyes, he smiled and looked at his Ge. "Yes, Ge?"

"Are you alright? Is something bothering you? I noticed that you've been distracted these past few days."

Shi looked at Kasuo. "I'm fine, Ge. I'm just thinking about the things that happened and that I'm glad to be by your side again."

Kasuo smiled at that. He then put his arm around Shi's shoulder. "Shi, I'm happy too. I was really worried about you. I thought Yan- ah, Forget it. You're here now. That's what important. But Shi, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

Shi nodded. "I know." I'm sorry, Ge. But I want to keep this to myself.

"Prince Kasuo and Prince Shi! I'm sorry to interrupt but I have some important news. According to Xiung Jiu, Princess Lan Shang escaped from the fire tribe and came here to mortal realm." Li Lou informed the two.

"I see. Mermaid Saint has the last ice leaf. We need to find Lan Shang first then before the Fire Tribe does. So that they can't use her to threaten Mermaid Saint." said Kasuo.

Li Lou and Shi nodded.


In the City of Snow Blade...

You could hear the sound of whip and painful groans of soldiers all over the castle. Yan Da's anger was apparent. It was supposed to be just a training match but she's not holding back at all. She already defeated most of the soldiers. Two more and she's done but she's still seething.

"Yan Da, you really are the best female warrior of our tribe. I'm proud of you." said Shuo Gang, applauding his sister. "But don't you think releasing your anger on our soldiers is too much?"

" Shut up brother! And I defeated you. Remove "female" from that title." Yan Da glared at him.

Shuo Gang just smiled. " Why are you mad at me? I already warned you but you didn't listen. That's why you were deceived by Ying Kong Shi."

" Your Highnesses, a report! We had located the Mermaid Princess!" said a soldier.

"Perfect timing." Yan Da said, smiling evilly. "I needed some fun. Let's go!"


Coincidentally, both groups met while looking for Princess Lan Shang.

Prince Shuo Gang smiled. Well, this is going to be interesting. Especially, when he noticed that Ying Kong Shi seemed surprise and happy seeing Yan Da. His sister though was seething in anger. He could feel her energy burning and twisting, responding to her anger. "Well, it's seems like this is our lucky day my dear sister. These two homeless dogs actually came to us. We'll take the ice leaves from them!"

"It's too early to tell who the lucky ones are." Shi answered him calmly but his gaze was still locked on Yan Da, studying her. I'm glad she's fine.

Ka Suo looked at his brother. "Shi, I'll handle him." The fight began.

Shi then took the chance to run. Yan Da followed him and landed in front of him. "Ying Kong Shi," She said coldly. "It's been a while. Did you miss me?"

Ying Kong Shi was caught off guard with that. Yan Da then lunged at him. Thanks to his fast reflexes, though, he easily evaded her attacks. He didn't want to fight her so he run into the opposite direction.

"Ying Kong Shi! Stop running away and face me!" Yan Da said, chasing after him.

Before Shi could run far though, Lan Shang came out of nowhere and bumped into him. Making them both fall down.

"Lan Shang!" Shi exclaimed, quickly helping her to stand up. He was focused on her that he didn't notice Yan Da standing in front of them.

Shi then felt an unbelievable energy surged up. He looked up and unconsciously gulped. Yan Da's eyes were now gold. Anger and jealousy were apparent in them. "Yan Da, I know you're mad at me and you can come after me for revenge but please let Lan Shang go." He said which made Yan Da angrier.

"Let her go? Why should I? You have no right to negotiate terms with me on the battlefield. I am here to take her and also your life!"

Yan Da then attacked them. At the same time, Lan Shang fainted. Shi then had no choice but to carry her. This fueled Yan Da's anger and jealousy which Shi felt like it was his own. He knew he has to do something before his mate kills him and Lan Shang.

Using his powers, he made an ice barrier between him and Yan Da. Settling Lan Shang down, he went out of the barrier and faced Yan Da.

"Yan Da, calm down." He said, trying to think of something to pacify her. Yan Da's eyes narrowed but didn't attack. She moved closer to him. He stood still, letting her do whatever she wants.

Yan Da pulled him closer to her, lifting his chin. She then bit him on the neck. She felt him winched but she bit harder but not hard enough to draw blood. She wasn't pleased seeing him with another woman. Shi whimpered. Hearing this, Yan Da let go of the flesh she's biting and let out her tongue to soothe it. Giving it one last lick, she kissed it and let him go.

Her eyes were now back to normal. Her anger pacified. She's satisfied for now. Suddenly, Shi pushed her away from him. Yan Da was still on the ground when she heard him shout in pain. She saw Lan Shang standing where she was a while ago and biting Shi's arm.

"Ying Kong Shi!" Yan Da called out about to help him when Li Lou came, riding Snow Dash.

"Hop on." She said to Shi. He then grabbed Lan Shang and hopped on Snow Dash.

Yan Da watched them leave. Ying Kong Shi left her again. She clenched her fists.

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