Chapter 14

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Ka Suo ended the meeting when Yan Da had left. He needed to think. He got some answers but all they did were to confuse him more. His thoughts were filled of that of the fire princess. He went back to the times that he had met her, studying them one by one. He remembered the bad things that she had done, killing a lot of his siblings and then taking Shi from him. However, she had save him and Shi did say that she had treated him well.

He also noticed that Huang Tuo and Luna had her back. They must have seen something, he mused. I know that those two wouldn't betray me. They were after all the first ones who decided to stand by me to fight the fire tribe.

Ka Suo then went back to the meeting a while ago, again he studied Yan Da from his memory. The way she talked. Her eyes and body language.

After a moment, he stood up making his decision. The princess had been truthful. I guess she does deserve a chance. The problem though, are the leaders of the other tribes.

I have to talk to them as soon as possible then.


Yan Da quickly hugged Shi when she saw him. Shi chuckled, returning the hug. After a minute, they let go each other.

"Let's go." Shi said pulling his mate away from the Healer Tribe.

"Where to?" asked Yan Da curiosity filling her voice.

"To our cave." Shi replied, smiling fondly at her.


Night came, Ka Suo, Li Luo and Lan Shang are in the Dream Tribe. Ka Suo had asked Xing Jiu to call the other leader tribes in their dreams. Xing Jiu quickly obeyed. He noticed the Ice Prince seriousness. It must be extremely important and urgent.

Not long, the four are already in the dream. Xing Jiu guided them, bringing them to a hall where they could freely and safely talk. No one could interrupt or spy on them in here. The other tribe leaders are already there.

"Prince Ka Suo?" they asked, confuse as to why they are here.

"Tribe Leaders," Ka Suo said greeting them. "We have an important matter to discuss. I know that you are aware of what happened to me the last days."

The tribe leaders nodded.

"Are you okay now, your majesty?" The bear king asked.

Ka Suo smiled. "I am fine. Well more than fine actually. Thankfully, to that person who had saved me and the reason for this meeting. I know that you will be skeptical and some of you may protest but I want you to listen first." He said looking the leaders in their eyes.

They nodded.

"When I received the attacks from King Hou Yi, I was immediately immobilized. I couldn't fight back or protect myself at all. In all honesty, I was expecting the worst then. But somehow a miracle happened, Huang Tuo after checking on me concluded that I was perfectly fine with no injuries at all. Well, now how could that be? When those blow I've received were delivered with the intent of killing me."

The tribe leader's brows were all furrowed, thinking except for the ones who knew of course.

"Who saved you then, Prince Ka Suo?" asked Princess Chao Ya.

Ka Suo looked at Li Luo, Lan Shang and Huang Tuo. They smiled in encouragement. Ka Suo met the other tribe leader's eyes again, uttering Yan Da's name.

The tribe leader's reaction where as expected. They were surprised and questioned the fire princess actions. One question made them all quiet though, focusing on the Ice Prince again. Liao Jian asked, "Prince Ka Suo, I'm sorry but what's the point of telling us these?"

"A while ago before coming here, we talked to Princess Yan Da. She offered us her help... to take back the Ice Kingdom from her father."

The leaders were now wide eyed. Confusion filling their mind.

"Did she tell you why she wants to help us?" The Mermaid Saint asked. She couldn't believe that the fire princess is doing this for nothing.

Ka Suo shook his head. "Not clearly. All she told us is that she doesn't want her father ruling the three realms."

The leaders were quiet again. This is a big decision to make. Could they really trust the fire princess?

Huang Tuo cleared his throat. "If I may?" he told Ka Suo, asking his permission to talk. Ka Suo nodded. "I am not sure if this will help but by saving Prince Ka Suo, Princess Yan Da had put her own life in jeopardy."

"What do you mean?" Xing Jiu asked. Ka Suo too had his forehead creased, looking questioningly at the healer.

"Princess Yan Da had saved Prince Ka Suo by transferring the injuries he had received into her own body."

"W-what?" Ka Suo asked.

"The day before you came. Princess Yan Da came to the Healer Tribe to deliver her father's message. She was her usual self. However, when she was about to leave she suddenly spat blood and fainted. After examining her, I noticed that her injuries matched the ones that were supposed to be in you. Her internal organs were all severely burned."

Lan Shang and Li Luo gasped. "But she looked alright a while ago." Said Li Luo.

Huang Tuo shook his head. "Princess Yan Da has a lot of pride. She will not let us see her in her time of her weakness if she can help it. Thus, she may seem fine a while ago but the truth is, she's not. Princess Yan Da is slowly dying in Prince Ka Suo's place. Now, it's up for you to decide. I already made mine."

Huang Tuo met their gaze. "I decided to trust and give her a chance. If she was willing to sacrifice herself, then it must mean that she's being sincere in helping us even for unknown reasons."

Silence enveloped the room.

Ka Suo was now a lot confuse than before. Why? is all he was thinking.

"What's your stand Prince Ka Suo?" asked the Mermaid Saint.

"I want to give her a chance." Ka Suo said to the group. "However, I don't want my decision to influence yours. I want you to tell me your honest thoughts. I'll give you a week to decide. Let's meet again then." He told them, dismissing the meeting. 


Author's note: To those who haven't seen it yet I have a new story called Their Little Princess. I hope you guys check it out and support it too like you did to my other fanfics! >_^)/ Thank you again! 

Oh, His Hidden Desires is also updated! Ja, Matane!

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