Chapter 2

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Soft golden lights could be seen coming out from the cave where the two resided. It was still dark and the full moon was shining so brightly. It's as if it's eagerly anticipating for something. Groans and moans then broke the silence of the night.

Ying Kong Shi was surprised by the kiss. He was about to pull away but Yan Da deepened the kiss. She traced his lips with her tongue, teasingly. Ying Kong Shi despite his protests moaned in pleasure.

He then gave in and closed his eyes. He parted his lips, giving her permission. Yan Da took the invite. With her tongue, she traced the inside of his mouth. She then coaxed his tongue to play with hers. Ending the kiss with a soft bite on Ying Kong Shi's lower lip, she let go of him and let them breath for a while.

Ying Kong Shi could feel his heart beating fast. He could also feel different emotions clambering in his heart - Fondness, uncertainty, lust and longing. He was torn. His mind was telling him that this couldn't happen. Their tribes are at war. It would hurt them more than they could imagine.

However, catching Yan Da's eyes and seeing the fear, longing and love in them, his heart won. "Just for tonight," his mind supplied. "Just for tonight, we're just Ying Kong Shi and Yan Da. Not the prince of Ice tribe nor the princess of fire tribe." With that thought, he shifted their position so that he was on top of her. He then kissed Yan Da gently but deep, conveying the feelings he couldn't say out loud. Deep in their passion the two didn't notice the golden tendrils of light coming out of their body, weaving and intertwining them.

As they reached their peak, their bodies were again enveloped by the golden light. Unlike the soft one before though, this time the golden light was more solid and brighter. Up in the sky, the full moon shone more brightly. If it had a face, you could say that it was smiling happily and contently.

"One touch initiated the bond.

A kiss made it stronger.

Their love-making solidified it,

Making it unbreakable.

Fire and Ice combined into one.

Many may protest and disagree

but this love is destined don't

you see." It said.

The cave they were in hummed in agreement. It was no ordinary cave. If Ying Kong Shi, wasn't worriedly distracted by Yan Da he might have noticed it earlier. However, it's already too late and done. It bonded them together. Forever.

Before the first light of morning, Ying Kong Shi was already awake. He decided that it was better for him to leave before Yan Da woke up. He didn't regret what happened last night. Actually, he loved and cherished it. He clenched his fist.

"If only the circumstances were different." he thought. "Yan Da," he whispered softly and sincerely to the sleeping fire princess. "I'm sorry. I know this will hurt you but I have to go."

Before leaving though, he placed a soft gentle kiss on her wrist. Slowly, three cherry blossom petals formed on the said wrist. His mark. It meant he chose her as his mate. Ying Kong Shi smiled. The cherry blossoms would serve as her protection. With one last look, he left.

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