Chapter 7

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Far from the mermaid kingdom, Yan Da was slumped in a tree. She's fighting for her consciousness. Her breathing has become ragged. She coughed out blood thrice now. Gathering herself, she stood up in determination. She has to go back to the Ice Palace. Her father would notice something if she wasn't there fast.

Wiping the blood on her mouth. She continued walking onwards.


"Han, find Yan Da and tell her to give this to the other tribes," King Huo Yi told his general, giving him the message.

"Yes, your majesty."

King Huo Yi smiled. Today has gone as better than he had expected. Most of the ice leaves were destroyed. Prince Ka Suo was probably dying. He let out a sinister laugh. Soon, I will rule the three realms, he thought.

Yan Da was finally back at the palace. Which is the perfect timing because General Han was about to go back to her father and tell him that she's missing. Then he spotted her, he immediately told her his father's orders.

Yan Da put on her poker face, accepting the order. Knowing that her body won't last she divided her troop and ordered them to go to the separate tribes and give them the message. While, she took one personally to the Healer's tribe.


Yan Da let out a smirked when the one she saw was Luna instead of Huang Tuo in the healer's place. She knew something was going on between the two. If they were friends, she'll continuously pester the two to admit their feelings already. Heck, she'll probably do anything to get them together.

"Where is Huang Tuo? Tell him to come out here immediately." Yan Da said purposely irritating Luna.

Luna glared at her. Already readying herself for an attack. "I don't know. I came here to ask him to heal my tribesmen too. I can't tell you anything else."

Yan Da's smirk became more prominent. She felt Huang Tuo's aura. He's near and listening. She looked at Luna and moved towards her. "Tsk. Do you think I'm a fool? I know that you and Huang Tuo had been flirting for a while now. How could you not know where he is?"

Luna's stance became defensive. "What nonsense are you talking about!?" She said.

Yan Da laughed. Jeez, admit it already. "You dare to lie?" She then grabbed her whip attacking Luna. It was about to make contact but Huang Tuo blocked it. Yan Da chuckled quietly. The two were so cute. Toying with them was so fun. Making her forget a bit of the pain she's bearing.

"That's more like it." Yan Da said looking at the two.

"Why has Your Highness come to the Healer Tribe now?" Huang Tuo asked returning Yan Da's gaze.

"Here." Yan Da tossed him the bottle containing the message.

Yan Da was about to turn around and leave when her body was racked in immense pain. Making her crouched down. She gasped fighting the urge to cough up blood. She couldn't fight it though because it still came out. Staining the floor red in front of her. Her vision was also becoming blurry. The last thing she saw was Luna and Huang Tuo staring at her in shock.

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