Chapter 21

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Before the sun did rise, Shi was already awake, currently staring at his mate. A fond smile on his face.

It's a secret but he always did this since he and his Ge had returned to the Ice Palace. He would wake up very early in the morning just to cuddle and watch her sleep for a while. Leaving before she wakes up and everybody else in the castle.

Shi sighed, kissing Yan Da softly on the lips. He then gently removed his arms around her. "See you later, my mate."

Quietly, he left the room and went to his own room.

Unaware that his mother was already awake and that she saw him leave the fire princess room.


Lotus decided to wake up early and take an early morning walk. She wasn't expecting to see anyone. She knew that it's too early so most people are still in bed and sleeping.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at her surroundings. She smiled, thinking of her son. Though, she didn't know what happened to him in the past months. She's just happy that he is back by her side again.

Her brows furrowed though, when her gaze caught her son leaving the fire princess room.

Curious and worried, he followed her son .

Shi was about to close the door when his mother stepped in, entering his room.

"Mother!" he exclaimed in surprise.

"Shi, what's going on between you and Princess Yan Da?" she said straight to the point.

"Nothing," Shi quickly answered, fueling his mother's suspicion.

"Then why did I just see you leave her room?"

Shi avoided her gaze. Lotus observed him. "Tell me. Are you two together?"

Shi nodded, relenting in his mother's stern gaze. He closed his eyes waiting for his mother's outburst. He was surprised though when she suddenly hugged him.

"Mother?" he asked, confused.

"My poor child, why did it have to be her? You do know that you can't continue seeing her. She's getting married to your brother."

Meeting his son's eyes, she asked. "Do you really love her?"

Shi smiled, answering her sincerely. "Yes, mother."

Lotus heart ache even more for her son. She could see that he was telling the truth. "What do you plan to do then?"

Shi smiled reassuringly at his mother. "You don't need to worry about that." He told her. Lotus nodded, believing in her son.

"Listen Shi. All I want is for you to be happy and safe. I don't care if we have to leave this place. But remember that no matter what your decision is, I have your back."


Later that day, King Huo Yi called Yan Da and Ka Suo in the throne room.

"Yan Da, Ka Suo," he began, looking at them. "We have decided that your marriage will be held three days from now on when the moon is at its fullest form."

Yan Da smirk, looking at his father. "Don't be too sure, father."

She said, making the people in the room look at her.

"And why is that Princess Yan Da?" asked the Ice King.

"Long ago, before my mother died. She made me promise that I will only marry the person who had proven himself to me."

The Ice King nodded, understanding what she meant. "That is understandable and it is only proper to fulfill that promise. What do you want to do then?"

"A battle." She said, making Ka Suo, the Ice Queen, Lotus and her father look at her in surprise. "If Prince Ka Suo will defeat me on a one on one battle tomorrow then I will marry him. However, if I win the marriage will not happen."

Yan Da met her father's gaze. King Huo Yi smirked, seeing her daughter's determination. "Very well," He said. "Han!" He called out his general. "Tell the tribe leaders that they are invited to witness the battle between Yan Da and Prince Ka Suo tomorrow."

After the meeting, with King Huo Yi and Prince Shuo Gang...

"Father, why did you let Yan Da have her way? You know that Prince Ka Suo will be easily defeated because of the injuries he had receive from you."

King Huo Yi just smirked. "The Ice King was right it was only proper to fulfill your mother's wishes. Besides there's nothing to be worried about. Here." He said, giving his son a bottle full of serum.

Shuo Gang's eyes widen. "This is..."

"The Hades Mist. It will return Ka Suo's powers but will not cure his injuries. Give it to him, later." He said, dismissing his son.

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