Chapter 22

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Author's note: Minna-san! Thanks for the votes and comments. ^^ I really appreciate them. Because I really love you guys. Here's an early update for you ! Enjoy~ ;)


Yan Da quickly left the throne room and went to the eagle's statue when her father dismissed them.

Ka Suo followed her, stopping when he was behind her.

"Remember your promise," Yan Da said before he could talk. "You said you'd agree to anything that I have decided."

"But you are injured," Ka Suo stated, protesting. "Can you even use your powers?"

"What's this? Prince Ka Suo is worried about me," Yan Da said, smiling at him teasingly. Ka Suo just look at her unamused. She laughed.

"Don't worry about me. I'll figure it out. All you have to do is prepare for tomorrow."

"Before that, answer me honestly. Why are you willing to go this far?" Ka Suo seriously stated.

Yan Da smiled at his serious look. "You really want to know, huh? Fine. There are two reasons. First, it's because I don't want to be tied down to someone who is in love with someone else."

Ka Suo blushed. "Y- you. How did you...?" Yan Da laughed, loving his reaction. It seems like both Ice Princes are prone to blushing.

"Oh please, you thought you two were being subtle? Ka Suo the way you two look at each other. It's very obvious. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." She stated, smiling at his mate's brother.

Ka Suo smiled back. Happy that the fire princess is now his friend and not his enemy. "And the second reason?"

"Like you, I already have someone in my heart and I will never betray him," Yan Da told him, honestly. Ka Suo's eyes widen a bit in surprise. Not only because of the fire princess's confession but the honesty and strong emotions in her eyes.

"I see," he said, looking at the horizon. "You must really love that person, huh?"

Yan Da laughed. Her eyes softening, thinking of Shi. "I do." After a moment, she said. "You should go people will get suspicious if they see us together."

Ka Suo nodded, leaving the fire princess alone.

Not far from both, the fire prince silently watched the Ice Prince walk away. He then went to her sister who was now looking in the horizon.

"Yan Da." he said, getting her attention. Yan Da's eyes widen. Based on his brother's expression, there's no doubt that he had heard everything.

"Answer me honestly, did you give Ka Suo the forbidden potion?"Shou Gang stated, eyes narrowing. " Do not even think of lying."

Yan Da schooled her facial expression. She knew that there's no getting out of this. "I did."

"You!" Shuo Gang said. His eyes burning in anger but deep inside he's worried about her sister. She gave Ka Suo the potion that means his little sister is slowly dying.

He clenched his fist, trying to control his temper even if he scolds her now or shout at her it's too late. There's nothing he can do but help her in any way that he can. He then took the serum out. The one that his father gave him.

"Drink it." He ordered her. Yan Da looked at him questioningly but took the serum anyway. After studying it, she drank it. She coughed. The potion is bitter. Slowly, she felt her energy surged. Her powers are back.

"I was supposed to give that to Ka Suo. Yan Da I don't know why you took the injuries for him or what's going on in that of mind yours. But enough. Stop doing such reckless things. Think about the people who will cry if you're gone." He said.

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