Chapter 13

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Author's note: Hi, everyone! Thanks again for commenting and voting! Here's an update. Enjoy reading~ (>_^)/


Li Luo and Lan Shang were looking at Ka Suo like he had grown another head. Someone from the fire tribe? The energy is comforting? Did we hear him right?

"Prince Ka Suo, are you sure this energy isn't doing anything bad to you?" Li Luo asked.

"I'm sure. In fact, I know that it saved me." Ka Suo said. "I couldn't even move when I received those attacks. So, when you told me that I was perfectly fine. I checked my core. I found the energy wrapped protectively over it. The only thing I don't understand is the reason why someone from the fire tribe would save me. I also want to know who it was."

Silence enveloped the room. Huang Tuo of course knew the answer but he kept quiet. That was for Prince Shi and Princess Yan Da to tell.

"It's me," said someone from the door way. Four heads quickly snapped into that direction when they had heard that. There standing were Princess Yan Da and Luna.

"Princess Yan... Da?" pure disbelief could be seen in the group's face. Huang Tuo because he never expected that the fire princess would do this. He chuckled internally. She's really unpredictable and amazingly brave...

Yan Da smirked, calmly looking at the group. "Yes, thanks to me you're standing here well and healthy." She said with her usual arrogance.

"But why?" asked Ka Suo, following the fire princess movement who was now examining the room.

"Let's just say that I don't want you dying any time soon." She told him. Ka Suo looked at her wide eyed and questioningly.

Looking at the group, Yan Da caught Lan Shang's facial expression. She glared. I don't like him like that, she silently conveyed to the mermaid princess who had flinched a bit seeing her glare.

"Don't get any ideas." Yan Da said. "I did it for myself. Besides, I don't want my father ruling the three realms." If his plans succeeded, he would be totally consumed by his greediness and lust for more power."

She then walked closer to Ka Suo, meeting his eyes. She said." That's why I decided to help you claim back the Ice Kingdom."

"Y- you'll help us?" Ka Suo is astonished.

"Didn't I just said that?" said Yan Da.

"Sorry Princess Yan Da but how can we be sure that this is not a scheme? And even if it's not, how can we be sure that you won't betray us?" Li Luo butted in, getting the fire princess's attention.

Yan Da met her skeptical gaze.

Yan Da then laughed. Hmm, Ka Suo's envoy guardian is quite smart. "Indeed. How can you? Unfortunately for me, there's nothing that I can say to reassure you. However, don't you think that I deserve a chance to prove myself? I've saved your prince after all. Our number one enemy. Don't you know? My father's attacks would have slowly kill him."

"The attack would have killed him!?" Lan Shang repeated, fear clouding her voice. Same with Li Luo.

"It's true." Huang Tuo spoke, backing the fire princess. "Prince Ka Suo, your internal organs would have been totally burned and the only cure was so dangerous that may have result in the disappearance of your soul forever. If not for Princess Yan Da..." he trailed on, not needing to finish his sentence.

Lan Shang, Li Luo and Ka Suo just looked at the Fire Princess in front of them, speechless. They were all shocked, secretly grateful especially Li Luo and Lan Shang. Unknowingly to both, Yan Da has now crawled slowly into their hearts making a room albeit small for her in there.

Meanwhile with Shi...

In the room that they were given to, he was pacing back and forth. Yan Da had decided to face his brother alone. He protested at first but then he relented when he saw her how serious she was. Her eyes were already turning gold. He shivered remembering that look. Honestly, Yan Da does scare him sometimes. Those eyes, he felt so powerless against them.

Argh! I hate waiting! I hope everything's fine in there.

Well, he couldn't feel anything unusual. So, Yan Da's still doing fine. He sighed, sitting down. All he could do now is to believe in his mate and wait.

Back in the room...

It was still so silent. Yan Da became impatient and broke it.

"Prince Ka Suo, think about what I've said." Yan Da said facing him. "And I advise you to act as if you had lost your powers. My father believes that you are now powerless. He'll most likely try to kill you again if found out. I'll be leaving now."

Subtly, she met Luna and Huang Tuo's gaze, thanking and warning them. They smiled and nodded. You're welcome, Princess Yan Da. Be careful too. Also, you have nothing to worry about, they told her silently.


When she's out Yan Da let out a painful groan. Her body is still hurting. She hopes that Ka Suo will accept her proposal. She does sincerely wants to help them.

"Ying Kong Shi!" She called out in her mind. Shi had explained to her the other things that the mark could do before she went to face Prince Ka Suo.

"Yan Da? How did it go? Are you alright?" Shi immediately answered.

Yan Da smiled, feeling her mate's worry and relief. "I'm fine. I think it did go well. See you outside."

"Okay." Shi replied, ending the conversation.

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