Sing For Me

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Iseul woke up with a start, his breathing heavy and panic taking his body over. He dreamt about what he did to Areum... What scars be left on both her body and mind... She was better now but that didn't change what he did. It didn't change anything. Nearly everybody was still afraid of him.

He reached for his phone, his heart still pounding in his chest, sounding like a loud drum. There were two things that ever calmed him down at this time: Areum's kind words that told him she still was his friend and...

"Hello?" Eunha answered. It was late but her voice didn't seem tired at all. Maybe she was rehearsing? "Iseul? What's up?"

"This is odd... and I know it's late... but it makes me feel better..."

"What? I'll do whatever it is," He liked that about Eunha. She wanted to be needed; it was her weakness. Eunha was someone who felt she wasn't needed in the slightest and jumped at the chance if there ever is one. Iseul never liked taking advantage of that. He felt bad whenever he did but sometimes there was no way not to.

"Can you sing for me? I... You calm me down and I had... a bad dream. Your voice is nice," He said. There was silence on the other line and he felt like he had messed up the friendship he had with her... then she spoke again.

"Sure! What would you like me to sing?" Iseul's eyes widened, shocked at her not hanging up but then thought for a moment. He didn't actually think she'd agree. Iseul would listen to her sing through CD's if he really needed her but he never called until tonight.

"A love song? Anything lighthearted?"

"Are you feeling sentimental?"

"I suppose," He said. Eunha let out a small breath before beginning a popular Korean song. It was upbeat but some lyrics were a little sad. He closed his eyes as he listened to Eunha, letting her voice make him feel lighter and a bit free. She was so nice to do this for him, a simple thank you could never suffice. He wanted to do something but put it in the back of his mind for later. Thinking can be reserved for the morning.

Before he knew it, the song was over. He smiled even if she couldn't see it and complimented her through the phone. "Aww, you're too sweet," Did she forget who I am?

"Haha, thank you. Thank you for everything," He let out a breathy laugh.

"It's no big deal. Don't have to pay me back," Eunha said, making him smile. She was charitable, a trait he loved about people.

"Okay," You really think I'm not going to repay you?

"Goodnight, Iseul. I hope you have sweeter dreams now,"

"Thank you. Goodnight, Eunha," And with that, he heard the end tone. He felt slightly lonely at the sound of that but put his phone back on the nightstand. He got back under his covers and went to sleep, sure he was going to have sweeter dreams.

A/N: I like the idea of Iseul becoming close to Eunha because he became her fan.

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