Haneul's Death

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A/N: Warning! This chapter holds some child abuse! Do not read if it makes you have bad memories!


Pain would be the way to describe what was happening to him. It was unbearable, unbridled pain, tearing him from limb to limb like he was nothing but a piece of paper. He felt cold, almost as if he were in the tundras he learned about in school. The only warmth he could feel was the blood trickling down his face and the breath fanning against his skin anytime he took a breath.

His mother wasn't always this cruel. She was actually pretty good for the first few years. However, Iseul had been the one to talk about his issues with doctors. Thus led to thier mother wanting 'eternal Paradise' for both of them. She said she wanted them to be happy and, for that to happen, pain had to happen first.

Now here he was, trapped in a freezer without so much as a scarf while his brother was possibly enduring something worse. After all, Isuel was the one to start this whole thing. He felt sad, knowing he wouldn't be able to see Iseul until he'd be let out. Haneul was tempted to gain more warmth from his own blood but self mutilation wouldn't solve anything. It'd probably make things worse.

His teeth chattered and his noticed his own lips were turning blue. How long was he to stay in here? Where was Iseul? Where was mom? What was happening? Then a terrible, hertwrenching thought came to him. Did they abandon him? Did they want him to freeze to death? No. Iseul wouldn't leave him. He'd never leave him. It was impossible. Mother must be forcing Iseul to keep Haneul in there. That must be Iseul's punishment. Though, not painful, it was emotionally painful even to him.

Haneul wondered if that was the case. Iseul was his most trusted friend and brother. If he could help it, Iseul would've already let Haneul out. He was sure of it. Haneul yawned, the warm breath fanning his face and making him shiver from the small comfort.

He felt so tired. It was like he hasn't slept in three days. Fatigue seemed to engulf him very quickly as he looked to a small little corner. Maybe he could sleep there for a little bit. Then, when he wakes up, Iseul will be standing in front of him, taking him back into the warmth. He'll be there to take care of him. Iseul will always be there. It doesn't matter what's happening. Hell, he's probably fighting mother right now to get to him.

He's always been a determined boy. Though shy most of the time, he always stood up for Haneul and vise versa. Except Haneul isn't as shy. That had become extremely important once thier mother started this torture. Thier mother had said she once ran a group called Mint Eye. She said the treatments there were cruel but it was all for the sake of happiness later on.

This treatment he's in now, she's never tested so Haneul felt more or less like a guinea pig. She also said she used to have a boy named Saeran that followed her and was loyal to her but he ran off with the RFA. From what Haneul could tell, the RFA were thieves and liars. That's what mother said.

Isuel told him that he doesn't trust mother's words anymore but Haneul still holds out hope. Maybe mother is really trying to make them happy. Maybe she's right. It's all going to be over soon, right? Yes. It's going to be over. It's going to be over. It's... It's going to... be...

"No... Haneul? Haneul, it's okay. I'm here! Haneul? Haneul?! Haneul!"

"Don't worry, Haneul. I'll bring you to the hospital! Yes! They'll keep you warm! Please don't die! I don't know how to check for a pulse... That's it! I'll become a doctor! That way I can take care of you no matter what!"

"Mom? What do you mean? We can't take him? Why not?! Mom? What are you doing? What are you doing with my brother?!"

"No! We can save him! Just let me help him!"

"No... There's definitely a pulse... I'm not denying anything, mother! I'm not! It's very very faint!"

"No, you're the one that wants to give up on him! I hate you! I despise you! You're a vile woman! I curse the day that I was born into your family! I want my brother back! You took him away! I don't care if it's accidental! I hate you! I hate you!"

"I'll screech until the neighbors take me away from you!"


A/N: Basically, I am changing how Haneul died. He froze to death by Rika's new paradise treatment. They are around 8 or 9 in this so Haneul intertwined both his and Iseul's souls at around that age. The reason is because he wanted to protect Iseul for life, even if his is already gone. This is when Iseul started to really despise his mother. Rika had killed Haneul on accident because she didn't know how long was too long. Unfortunately, her son took the death for being a test subject. Yes, Iseul is still there but Haneul... Haneul was a twin that can't be replaced. No matter how much Rika tries to comfort herself in his death.

Hopefully, I don't get a better idea for how he died. I truly like this idea. It explains a lot of loose ends. Like why Haneul almost killed Rika when he possesed Iseul one time. Or why Rika wouldn't want to face any of the RFA members and ran away once they found who Iseul's mother is because they probably already know about Haneul. There's a lot more it could explain but I don't want to make half of this chapter an author's note.

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