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"Now you just stay here, boy. It's crucial to my plan that you're nowhere near me and don't even think of contacting your little buddies. If you do, it's very possible I could bring my own and force them to kill you. You're still a child and I wouldn't want that to happen but you have a choice: Make me kill you or let me do my duties," The man with greying hair said. Gyeong was hanging from his feet with handcuffs on them but had his hands tied out in front of him with rope. How stupid! Gyeong was tensing his muscles in his arms and hands, trying to make enough room for his hands to move around once the man leaves.

Now, he does admit, not every person he's against may be the criminal. There have been times where he himself had been assigned a job that wasn't exactly on the moral compass but this man seemed to actually want to do what he was assigned, not hiding his enthusiasm at all.

Gyeong knows he's the good guy in this one only because he was assigned to stop he assassination of the president. How cliche! Gyeong had thought when he first read his assignment, laughing at it. Though, he does admit, this guy seemed to like putting a lot of dents in his mission.

"So, you're just going to stay silent and glare at me. Whatever, I don't need any snarky comments anyway from you teenagers. It's shocking the agency even let you in, with how young you are. I won't get into how my times where. There's just no time when I've got a mission to do!" The man let out an excited laugh. For around his 50s to 60s, he was actually very fit and didn't look a day over 45. He must've been doing this job for a long time now. That or he was just very lucky to age so good.

"..." Gyeong had learned through his own years that biting back his tongue and saying nothing was just as good as the satisfaction of back-sassing your opponent. It can still get a rise out of them without even having to say a syllable. The man just scoffed at him as he exited the door. Gyeong smirked, reaching into his curly tangle mess of brown hair. He was trying to find a bobby pin that could possibly get him out of this mess-- he always had one just in case this kind of thing happened.

He eventually found his safe kept pin and did a curl up to reach his feet. He worked tirelessly on the handcuffs, the ticking of the clock counting down the seconds being way too loud in his ears. It was almost deafening to him before he finally became free once again, dropping to the floor with a loud thud.

His back hurt and he swore he saw the light for a second but he stood up either way, pushing his way out of the rope on his hands. Tensing your muscles was always a great way to get out of rope. Now, he had a president to save and a man to kill all before dinner time. Fuck! That asshole really put a dent in his time! If he was late, what the fuck would he say to his mother?!

A/N: Anyone want a secret agent story about Gyeong? No? Have it anyways!

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