Jisu Facts

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- Jisu started to get heavily bullied by these three guys because she was doing a group worksheet with them only to show that she couldn't understand some of the certain things on it (math). This earned her the title of stupid and retarded until she proved she was actually a lot smarter than them in a lot of different areas like English or History (yes, she knows how to speak English alongside Korean. She had been taught by her mother, who was an American at first).

- Her mother had even called her stupid once while she was frustrated that Jisu couldn't learn one thing or another. Which is why she loves studying with her dad now. And why she chose to live with him instead of her mother when the divorce settled and she had to choose. It was an easy choice to Jisu (of course, her mom isn't all evil, just not understanding and compassionate or nurturing... stuff like that....).

- Jisu suffers from heavy anxiety. Anything loud will set her off to either scream or cry or both. Any kind of mistake she makes will result in a breakdown. Speaking in front of a group of people with something she did or made will make her start to panic.

- Jisu always tries to be perfect. Not because of her own standards but because she wants to not disappoint anyone. She had been seen as the better child ever since her sister ran away for unknown reasons so she wants to stay perfect in her family's eyes. She also doesn't want to cause too much stress on her father if she did anything wrong (Yoosung wouldn't care, who is he to talk? Mom... she's kinda a different story).

- Jisu and Areum had a little mini rivalry in grade school. The reason is because Areum thought books were a waste of time (like most elementary schoolers) and Jisu was like "no! Books are wonderful!". Kid drama was so fun. They're cool now, best friends even.

- Laon could've easily picked a college with Areum and Jeaki but decided to go with Jisu for a couple reasons. It was to keep an eye on her and be able to do something for her if she were to have a panic attack or someone disrespected her again. No, he did not intend for him and Jisu to become best friends because of this but it's a plus. Jisu doesn't know he chose to go with her for other reasons and not because he wanted to. It's not a complete lie, he doesn't exactly regret it but he never told the truth either. I mean, who would when they've became your best friend? It doesn't matter by then, right? Still, sometimes he feels like he's done something horrible by not explaining that he never really chose HER. He knows how it is to be the second choice.

- Jisu never goes to any college party without a buddy with her. Since Laon is the only one at her college, he's an obvious choice. He was almost always invited too but he declined. His reasoning was that he didn't want to waste his time or get separated from Jisu. (Jisu thinks she's only invited because Laon was. They were kind of a package deal). One time they did go and get wasted but never again. Laon had to prove that he wasn't drunk to her roommate that night even though Jisu didn't even try to hide it. It was a mess and they both knew it. 

- Yoosung doesn't really hold any expectations for Jisu. He doesn't have room to talk and is a firm believer that she's able to choose her own path. Whether she wants to be a straight A student or a slacker is all up to her. Though, her mother does hold expectations. Her mother is very "you have to do this to be able to reach this goal". It's part of the reason Jisu works herself so hard. Her mother's nagging voice is always in the back of her mind somewhere.

- Jisu has a scarf to cover her neck at all times. Before she was even in school, people would look at this little baby's neck and wince or judge her appearance. She had been born with a big red birthmark that took up most of her neck. It looked almost like it had been burned. So, she decided to always wear a scarf to cover it before anyone had a chance to see it in school. The only two of her friends who've seen it and is able to remember it is Laon and Eunha because he's seen her in nothing but a tank top and shorts before (their frequent sleepovers) and Jisu had shown Eunha's whole class in high school. These are the only two of her friends who has seen her without that ratty old scarf.

- Jisu is an anime fanatic! She loves it. In a previous chapter, I had written about Iseul trying to buy something for her and just buying some anime merch. It was the safest bet for him.

- Iseul and Jisu only have two things in common. Literally. They are polar opposites when it comes to interests. Those two things are wanting to travel the world and being huge fans of Eunha. They fangirl together all the time about a new song Eunha sung and talk about traveling the world together but never actually make plans. It's just a small joke but they both wouldn't mind if it actually happened. They enjoy each other's company enough.

- Jisu has a cute little button nose she gets from her mother. Her father has said numerous times that he hopes that nose doesn't get lost in the gene pool when Jisu has a child.

- Jisu is probably the girliest girl in the RFA. She doesn't really have makeup on but she loves jewelry if she can get her hands on it. Her wardrobe is also full of skirts and dresses with very little pants (which Areum gives her shit for).

- Areum probably picks on her the most. She just loves when Jisu and her get into petty fights. She's like the annoying older sister that just wants to fight at any time but also is your best friend in the world. Except she's younger than Jisu. (It's also like that one kid who picked on you cause they liked you) What? I don't ship it.

- While Jisu has taken care of Laon medically on numerous occasions, she has not studied in the medical field at all. It just came naturally to her (probably because Yoosung's a vet and Jisu thinks of Laon as a dog). Ahem, anyways. No, she's not studying medicine. Probably. I haven't decided on what she's studying on.

- Jisu is usually very friendly with people but it's the neutral look on her face that make others hesitant. She looks like she's ready to kill but she just looks like that naturally.

- She's very good with children, having always made sure she had time to make a child's day happier by playing on the playground with them or complimenting a drawing. Just doing something to make a child smile. Though, pets and animals aren't exactly her area.... She will still play with animals or something but she wouldn't want one of her own. Too much mess, really. Also, she doesn't really know how to interact with animals correctly. (Even if there's no set way of how to interact with animals).

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