Study Date

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Jisu sat staring at her textbook, looking from the problems of the book to the calculator sitting untouched for hours. She could almost groan loudly if not for the fact she was in a library. Finally she sighed, moving onto the next problem and deciding it was too much to stay on that one. Seriously, I just want to be able to do ONE problem!

"AHH!" Jisu screamed, nearly falling out of her chair as someone who was sitting across from her fell on top of her textbook. She looked at the familiar mop of red hair and growled. "Laon Choi, this isn't a tactic for attention, is it?" She asked but got no answer. Instead, she was met with the loud snores she's grown accustomed to hate. "Seriously? Falling asleep here of all places?"

She rolled her eyes, knowing that she couldn't finish her work with Laon knocked out like this. She also couldn't leave him to drool on it. "Hey, dummy! Do you want a toy or something to stimulate you?" Laon kept still, snores leaving him as his breathing only got deeper and deeper. Was he seriously asleep?

"Laon," Jisu tried once more but was met with nothing but more drooling on her text book. "Idiot," She whispered, digging into her backpack and fetching a blanket she usually kept for herself. She stood from her chair, making her way to Laon and touching his shoulder with her free hand. "If you're going to nap, I could push the chairs together and you could use that as a bed. My textbook doesn't need any drool on it. It's hard enough to understand," Jisu complained, putting a whine in her voice so Laon would respond quicker than if her voice had annoyance in it. She knows if he thinks she's mad at him, he'll do anything in his power not to look her in the eyes and lower his head like a guilty puppy.

"Please, Jisu..." He mumbled, touching her hand although she knew it was meant to be a tired swat at it.

"Laon, I've got a blanket for you. Just lay down on the chairs,"

"No," He whined tiredly. She started to doubt he was paying attention to what he passed out on.

"I need my textbook. Again, I can't understand it as it is, I don't need you to block my view and drool on it!" Jisu said a bit too loudly, causing the librarian to shush her. Yeobo, if you get me kicked out...

"Do you need help?" He muttered sleepily as he peeked up at her.

"What? Were you knocked out when I was frustrated?" She asked with attitude in her voice. He chuckled at her, enjoying that little spark he craved from her.

"Kind of," Laon said, pushing himself off of her book with effort and looking up at her with tired eyes before he smiled at her and jumped out of his seat. "Alright, my precious Jisu-"

"Don't call me that," He ignored her as he continued on.

"It looks like my damsel needs saving again!"

"Shut up!" She nearly screeched in embarrassment, a blush covering her face at his wording and earning her a more forceful shush from the librarian. "Just help me,"

"Of course, Jagiya,"

"..." She couldn't really say anything with that nickname.

"You need help from the smartest boy in the RFA,"

"Yet, your cousin is the hacker and has even graduated early,"

"Hey. I'm sure if I applied myself, I could totally beat him in the art of hacking and I probably could've graduated early. Gyeong's an idiot anyways, don't let him fool you. Now, my princess, do you want my help or not?" Jisu almost scolded him for the little pet name but decided against it and rolled her eyes at him internally. She needed him right now so she had to be nice, in her opinion.

"Yes, I want your help," As soon as she uttered those words, a Cheshire Cat smile appeared on his face. He gestured for her to take a seat in front of her book. She obeyed his unsaid demand as he took the seat beside of her and scooted closer to see the textbook. His smile was gone, now replaced with a look of concentration.

Jisu smiled inwardly, taking note of how willing he is to help her and not goofing off when the matter truly comes down to it. "Do you remember the thing I taught you last time?" Laon asked, making absolutely positive before reteaching it to her all over again unnecessarily.

"Um..." Jisu searched her head for their last study date and it all drew a blank.

"It's okay. I'll teach you again, if you'd like. I've been studying up on different ways to teach these things to you so I'm fine trying a different way for you,"

"Wait... You've been studying different ways to learn the same subject...? For me?" Now Jisu felt terrible. Laon was probably using his study time for his own classes to help her. Jisu seemed to shrink into herself, making Laon notice as his eyes darted from the book to her. He gave her a sincere smile, holding onto her hand.

"Hey, come on. I'm not failing anything and you need help. Besides, I want to make sure you're doing okay. You're a perfectionist to the furthest extent and I know you skip meals to abuse that brain of yours,"

"That's not-" She stopped mid sentence, looking him in the face only to see a cold glare he barely ever gave to her. She looked away quickly, deciding the the textbook was much more interesting at the moment.

"Don't worry about me when I'm worrying about you. It won't get us anywhere," He said, squeezing her hand and making her jump slightly. She had forgotten he had hold of her. She chanced a look back at him, noticing he was smiling at her again. "If I decide something isn't as important as you, it's my decision,"

"That's not fair,"

"Why not?"

"Because you and I both know that you'd put anyone before yourself. It's not fair!"

"I can't help but love you. I'm sorry. Still, I won't stop just because you're worried my grades will do poorly if I help you," Laon said, kissing her hand and making her pull away quickly and sharply.

"Don't do that! It's weird,"

"Okay, fine,"

"If you both can't be quiet, I'll have to send you out!" The librarian whisper-shouted at them, making Jisu apologize while Laon had to hold back a laugh. That says a lot about our personalities... Jisu thought as the librarian turned back to what they were doing.

"Now, Jisu. It's time to listen to Proffessor Laon,"

"Don't call yourself that," Jisu retorted, turning back to the textbook and looking at Laon. "Um... Thank you, by the way," Jisu said, noticing the almost surprised look on his face.

"Oh... You're welcome. I wasn't expecting that. It just kind of seems like something I should do. I mean, we're here together for a reason. I believe I should be here to help you to the best of my abilities, you know?"

"Yeah. Thanks," Jisu said once again, hating the fact that Laon cared so much. She wasn't used to getting help from anyone but her father so it took a lot of adjusting to figure out if she'd get mocked or not. Luckily, Laon didn't criticize her for anything she couldn't do. It was nice but felt strange at the same time.

"Don't mention it," Laon said, his face glowing at the appreciation he didn't expect. "Alright, Jagiya, let's try this way,"

A/N: Gyeong later challenged Laon to a hacking competition. He swears he wasn't spying!

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