Should've Stayed Dead

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"Areum?" Haneul said, trying to get the cooperate hier's attention but she only gave him the same reaction she'd been giving him for a few days. Her head hung low and she had a permanent frown on her face. His only clue that she was even alive was that she was still breathing and she blinked every once in a while. "Hey, you're going to have to take a shower at one point or another. I don't want you to die from not taking care of your hygiene," He said, taking her arm and pulling her to stand up. "We're going to go upstairs. You're going to go to the bathroom and take a shower. If you don't, I'll have to force you, got it?" She showed no emotion as she looked at him. All she did was hang her head again, refusing to look at him for too long.

"Can't you see what you're doing to her? Let her go. She's going to break fully at this rate! She hasn't been talking or taking care of herself... You have to even feed her!" Iseul shouted in the back of his mind but all he did was shake his words off. His first goal was to make her hate him but he's changed it, intent on making her love him again through brainwashing. This was due to her showing an abundance of kindness, love and care to him even as she was tortured. She believed everyone could be a good person and that he didn't really want to hurt her. She believed something was wrong and she was really close to home with that belief. Though, that was in the earlier stages...

Finally, he stopped at the bathroom door, letting go of Areum's hand and turning to her. "Okay, are you willing to take care of yourself or do I have to do everything for you?" He said, making sure she knew what 'doing it himself' would imply. She didn't look at him. Instead, her head was turned to the side as if she didn't even hear his words. She looked like she was ignoring him on purpose.

"Haneul please! Don't do anything to her... Don't touch her! Don't even look at her... Give me back my body! I hate you! You should've stayed dead..."

You should've stayed dead. He had never heard his brother say such hurtful words before. Iseul always saw a sentence like that as crossing a line but Haneul smiled at the words his brother said. Looks like his sweet brother also has a yandere streak. He had struck a nerve in which Iseul didn't care what lines he crossed. Iseul is breaking alongside Areum. After all, anyone is capable of anything if you hurt them enough, if you hurt someone important to them... Iseul hurts with Areum, so it appears. He'll keep that stored for future use. Then he internally shook his head. He wasn't going to touch her. He was going to help her. No ill intentions were on his mind at the moment.

Areum still hadn't moved so Haneul sighed at the inconvenience and pulled her into the bathroom. "Do I have to wash you like a four year old?" She's obviously being defiant of him. She's refusing to do things to both bother him and maybe to die. It was the most unproductive thing he had ever seen a human being do.

No answer came his way but that was to be expected. He'd of been surprised if she had answered him. "Are you gonna undress yourself or are you gonna have me do all the work with that too?" He asked, hesitant on the thought but she didn't answer him. Figures.

Haneul sighed in annoyance before he took hold of the hem of her shirt, looking at her reaction before proceeding to take it off. There was none. "I'll have to put these in the washer while I bathe you. You can't put dirty clothes back on, that would only defeat the purpose," He said, folding her shirt to start off a neat pile for him to get. "Hopefully I can get them to you before you're done showering," Haneul continued. He turned back to her to see her staring up at him with a blank expression. "What?"

Areum looked back down, seeming to become intimidated quickly. "At least speak to me. If you don't, I don't know what you're thinking and it's going to be bad for both of us," Haneul knelt down, looking up at her to find her looking back at him with a confused expression. Almost like she's silently asking him what he's doing. "I need to take these off for a shower, you know," He said, tugging at her pant fabric. "Would you mind giving me a nod or something?" He asked, not wanting to cross boundries that he didn't have access to. Iseul used to have access to everything but Haneul... It was very different in his eyes. He wasn't his brother, after all.

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