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A/N: Yes, it's the AU I had wrote about not too long ago. Haneul is Iseul's twin's name. You kmow, because he's alive in this AU.

Saeran and Iseul heard a crash and the Areum cry out in pain from the next room. Saeran looked quizically to the little boy beside him before making his way to the room he left Areum in to find her crying on the floor and Haneul trying to make her shut up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Saeran asked the child, which made him freeze. The blonde boy turned to him and smiled.

"Just playing,"


"He hit me!" Her voice yelled and Haneul emitted a groan.

"I didn't mean to,"

"Yeah right! You're so mean!"

"He's definitely the evil twin," Saeran whispered, looking back at Iseul to make sure he was still there. He looked up with curious eyes and Saeran was almost surprised at the contrast between thier eyes. While Iseul's was full of life, Haneul's was dull and dark despite it's bright color. "Okay, What happened exactly?"

"All I was doing was running and then he hit me with a stick,"

"That's true but I wanted to miss her. It's a common mistake," Haneul defended himself. Saeran let out a deep breath and then looked back to Iseul.

"Does your brother usually want to miss?"

"He usually likes to hit me and takes pride in it but he could maybe not of wanted to actually hit Areum?" Iseul said, ending the sentence in a higher pitch. Saeran rubbed his temples. Damn kids....

"Mr. S Dad Sir! He hit me!"

"I'm not- whatever...." Saeran had too much on his mind to correct Areum from saying 'dad'. "Look, where's your mother?"

"Oh.... Haneul wanted to run away from her so we can play," Iseul answered and Haneul glared at him.

"I hate you,"

"Then come with me. She must be worried. Areum, I want you to sit there and just rub your head to make it feel better. Try to get something cold on it. I'll be back. Don't let anyone else take you anywhere, okay?" Saeran said and he made sure Areum nodded before taking each of the twin's hands in his and almost dragging them to thier mother.

"You're not going to tell mother, are you?" Haneul asked and Saeran glared at the smaller twin.

"Oh, you thought you were home free. Yes, I'm going to tell your mother!"

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