More Facts

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- Guests at the party can reserve a dance with any member. The fee will go towards the donation for charity. If you're a pervert and someone defends themselves, however, they can't be held responsible. The ones most need to watch out for are Areum and Laon since they both know the most self defense. (Areum from ACTUALLY PAYING ATTENTION TO MOTHER *coughlookingatJeakicough* And Laon from getting into fights in school). Laon won't hurt anyone off the bat but he'll be hitting their hands if they go towards a certain part he wants to keep private and maybe pull away and remain attracted to another RFA member. Just saying he knows how to use his fists if the absolute need arises. Areum, however, doesn't give chances if there's no emotional attribute to it.

- When Laon was 16, he got Jisu to tutor him in English so he could better communicate with his mother even if she knew (enough) Korean. He even got Jisu's Mom to help out if Jisu couldn't remember a certain word (which resulted in her becoming brittled with anxiety and apologizing incessantly, making him notice that something was wrong). When he knew enough, he left his mother a little voicemail of him speaking English, since he didn't want to hear her reaction as soon as he could. (He's still kinda scared).

- During these little tutoring sessions was when Jisu and Laon picked up their habit of calling each other 'Yeobo' and 'Jagiya'. It was when Laon decided he wanted to follow Jisu to college. It took them until they were teenagers to really become close. Laon was the one who started calling her 'Jagiya' and then slowly, she called him 'Yeobo'. Best believe when she did, his face was as red as his hair.

- It's always either Jisu sneaking Laon into her dorm (when her roommates not there) or Laon dragging her home with him once the college day ends for them both. Of course, if Laon brings Jisu home, he'll have to give Gyeong a reason why she's there. Otherwise, the teasing will commence.

- Haneul and Iseul have different things they call Areum. Haneul goes more for 'Dear' while Iseul sticks to 'Love' or 'My Love'.

- Before Iseul showed Areum real love, she always thought it was fake. She had been the one to go on dates with businessmen or women to seal a deal (behind Jeaki's back because he would not like that). She never felt anything. She'd use her charm and beauty to get things and was a massive flirt.

- Iseul was her friend at first. They slowly got into a relationship and, to be honest, Areum was terrified. She thought it would end up like her dates always did. One date and then you didn't have to see each other again. She was greatly relieved when Iseul showed that he meant everything and actually did love her. After this, she didn't accept any dates from business partners and devoted herself entirely to Iseul. He may not be her first kiss but he was her first real love.

- Haneul knows that Iseul loves Areum with all his heart and he knows that what Iseul feels is romantic. But when it comes to his own feelings with her, he's confused. Sometimes he sees her as an annoying little sister and sometimes, he loves her almost as much as Iseul. It may be a factor that comes with sharing emotions with Iseul.

- Haneul has the power to reset and remember resets as they happen. A few times, the world had reset without his wanting but he doesn't know who it could be that also has the power. Still, he's the one that resets more often than not.

- If Haneul had to pick an RFA member he likes the most who's a boy, he'd pick Laon. Just because Laon also has mommy problems and has a girl he's overly attached to and would do anything for (which makes it easy for him to loose it if Haneul does certain things to said girl). He enjoys having conversations with the bastard if Iseul will allow.

- Haneul gets confused on if Iseul and him are on entity or not. When he was in control, you'd hear him saying 'we', 'I', 'him', and 'us' as pronouns. It confused Areum too, don't worry.

- After story's events take place, Areum and Iseul both suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression, and keeping themselves in check.

- Gyeong and Laon were told the story of what happened to Saeran and Saeyoung and how MC came to be. They were told of the hacking world and told to stay away from it. Gyeong disregarded that and started himself on a hacker career. Laon, however, was the one that listened for once and stayed away. Laon knows how to hack since he's joined in on jobs as an anonymous accomplice but he's not in the business. He just has certain skills most don't have.

- When Haneul was being a kind of 'angel' to Eunha in high school, he hated hearing about what people were doing to her (ex: physical abuse, emotional abuse etc...). He loved the fact that her father, mother and brother were the ones supporting her whole heartedly but she was crying every night and felt alone. Haneul had enough and suggested the way to save herself, was probably to kill herself. His way of saving people had always been a little twisted but always had good intentions behind them.

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