Chapter 18

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heeeeeyyy big thanks to all the people who are reading this fic i think it's really amazing that this story is actually being read! but yaaaa thxxxx ~Dani


Well, popularity was still growing. Now, people that didn't even go to my school asked for my autograph. I was getting bigger by the second.

This one time I went to shop for new clothes with my mother. A few girls recognized me I guess. Some of them actually hated me for hanging out with their idol.

I swear right after that incident, my mother vowed to home school me.

 "No more seeing the outside world, it's a scary place," she said. I hope she didn't actually mean it. I mean, i need to be myself though.

I haven't checked my emails for the last few days. Obviously, they would be filled up with things like 

"hEY PenNY We hAvENt MeT BefORe buT HMU SooN K?"


just no.

If people only like me for my sorry

Marina's POV

It actually didn't take me very long to finish the song. Mainly because it was easy to put my feelings into words. 

"Marina," my manager called me. I had a special room in this building where his office was to write songs. The room was mysterious, which made me think of things that would help me write songs. I gathered up with another songwriter (which I didn't really bother to know his name, my mind was still on track with a couple of other things) to write this song.

"yes?" I called back to him.

"The song..."


"It's too....friendly for Electra,"

you've got to be kidding me.

"Well, you could take it in a different way," I told him.

"what do you mean?"

"You know how the song is about loss and heart break, that could mean that "Electra" had a broken heart and she's willing to be "in love" with that person again because...she can't let her go.."

"Her?!?"  my manager said with a stern look in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry...i mean him. But, as I was saying-"

"Is this song about the money girl?"

"'s Penny. Not Quarter, Not Money. Penny"


I was silent for a few seconds. My lips started to move. "I-It's..."

"It's what?"

I gave up. "It's not.


Penny's POV

My friends (my real friends) recently told me that Marina was writing a new song.

"I heard that it's about you, Penny,," 

"What. Oh please....drunk pictures of Marina were posted on her instagram. Have you seen them? She's dancing with a guy, who I bet she doesn't even know!"

" might know....but maybe her management is making her do these things..maybe they're trying to bring Electra back."

She had a point.

Managements of famous singers are very strict. They would want their clients to be perfect. They would make sure their clients "kept their image" because that's what their fans fell in love with. But sometimes, they would change the artist. They would change the artist's entire personality, just to please people.

" think it's all a set up by her management?"

"I dont know, probably,"

I sat there thinking about what just happened.


So, I did end up being homeschooled. I was partially glad about it though. Just imagine being bombarded with questions everyday about the same subject. But then again, I missed my friends.

"You'll meet tons of new friends" my mother told me, the first day of home school.

"I won't be able to make new friends if I can't ever show my face to the world anymore," I told her. My mother said, and made a glass of orange juice.

"Penny, I know that I have no idea how you feel, or how to solve this. I just think that it's better if do I say this...."

"Never go outside ever again?" I said. "Cause that's pretty much what you mean,"

"I meant to say it in a better way," she said.

I sighed while leaning back in my chair. "I can't live like this foreeeveer you know,"

"I know, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next,"

It was silent for a few seconds.



"Are you mad at me?"

"Well, just a little bit. You never told me that you would be hanging out with a famous celebrity, but it's not your fault that the media is doing this to you. Paparazzi is.....they just don't mind invading someone else's privacy,"

"Oh, ok...."

My mother stared at me for a second, and then went to find some workbooks in one of our cabinets.

I was alone sitting by myself. So...Marina was writing a new song huh? I bet her management is actually making other song writers write a song that would be meant for Electra, and then say that Marina wrote it. Then it came to my mind, Marina has fans too. I wonder what they thought of me.

I saw my mother walk back with a stack of workbooks in her arms. Dear God...



"Would you allow me to meet up with someone?" 

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