Chapter 29

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this story is ending soon :(


I had nothing to do. No Internet to contact anyone, no friends, and all my grand-mother did was attempt to make food, but she would always ultimately fail because she either

1. Forgot to add the eggs

2. Didn't preheat the oven

Honestly I missed talking to Marina. I felt the need to forgive her, except there was no way to do so.

I had no idea where she was at the moment, and my grand-mother doesn't even own a car. She says she has a "delivery boy" who brings her groceries every week and she pays him.

I walked into the room that I shared with my sister, seeing her texting on her phone. I raised a brow.

"How are you texting someone? We don't have Internet here," I asked her with confusion.

She shook her head and set her phone down. "It's called hacking into someone else's network," she rolled her eyes as she began texting the unknown person again. I sat down the bed and leaned my body slightly towards the phone and quickly glanced at the contact.


"Give me the wifi password," I demanded. She frowned and completely ignored me.

I smacked her phone out of her hands, grabbed it, and quickly ran out of the room. I pushed myself Into the bathroom and quickly locked the door.

I sighed to myself as I heard Teresa's knuckles pounding against the door. I quickly typed in her password, knowing it was her birthday, and went on the messages app.

I gasped seeing a recent conversation with Marina. I frowned and went over their conversation.

Apparently the two have been talking about me. I'm not surprised.

Without even thinking twice about it, I typed "hi"

Knowing that she thought Theresa said it, I added "it's penny"

My heart started pounding like crazy. I shouldn't even be like this, I'm the one who tried to get away from her and here I am, sending her messages.

"Hi Penny!!! :)"

I blinked twice and read her reply about 10 times. 3 exclamation points and a smiley face. My face reddened as I began typing again.

"How are you?" I typed slowly. What a stupid question, Penny.

"Okay. But I still want to be friends with you! :("

And with that, the guiltiness rushed into me again.


Marina's POV

She never replied after that.

I groaned in frustration. Knowing that her phone- well, her sister's phone-didn't die, she probably ignored me.

I sighed as I suddenly got a call from Lucy.

"Marina!" She said, happily. I mentally rolled my eyes.


"We need to discuss some things...." Her voice trailed off. I raised a brow.

"And by 'things' you mean....?"

"I'll be at your place in a couple of minutes. Hold on," was all she said, and soon enough she hung up. I sighed as I dropped my phone onto the bed. I quickly fixed my appearance and about 5 minutes later, there was a quiet knock on my door.

I answered the door, already knowing it was Lucy. I swung the door open and was greeted by a non-readable expression from Lucy. I immediately frowned and let her in.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked quietly.

Lucy made herself comfortable on my couch and her attention was on her phone for a few seconds.

"A lot of have been questioning your 'relationship' with the little girl-"

"She's not little," I huffed. Lucy ignored my comment and continued.

"We need a story to back up their rumors. Some of them think you were in a car with the girl and got in a car accident, thinking that you were the only one who survived," she explained.

I closed my eyes for a second, not wanting to think about that ever happening.

"So I was thinking, that you just stopped talking to her because she moved away," Lucy explained.

Surprisingly.... That was some-what a little bit of the truth. Teresa texted me yesterday, saying that they moved to the middle of nowhere with their grand mother, and that was no wifi there. I questioned how she was able to talk to me, but she simply explained that she hacked someone else's network.

I kept my mouth shut, not letting any emotion show. Lucy sighed and put her hand on my knee, which made me jump a bit with shock. Although, she ignored my reaction.


"We'll go with that," I said in mono-tone.

Lucy looked into my eyes, making sure I wasn't lying. She nodded her head slowly, mumbled a quick "goodbye" and left my house.

I gave up. I'm done.




The next chapter is actually the end.....hehe

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