Chapter 27

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Marina's POV

"..Stupid...broken glass....what the hell....," I muttered under my breath. As I was driving back to my house, I didn't even realize that tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. At least she knows that it was all her sister, but going over there to apologize and not getting your friend back is a waste. 

I actually expected her to forgive me right away. Why the hell would that happen? Did she not feel sorry at all? I hit the brakes of my car as I noticed a red light. I sighed deeply and squeezed my eyes shut.

Before I knew it, the car behind honked at me. I snapped out of my deep thoughts and continued my way to my house.

Soon enough, I found myself parked in my drive way. I slammed the car door shut, and ran into my house. 

Swinging the door open to my room, I let out a ferocious yell. I didn't know if I was mad, disappointed, or completely shut down. I didn't feel like going anywhere right now. I didn't want anyone to see me in this state. 

I fell onto my bed and started crying out. Yes, I know what your thinking. Very mature for a 28 year old, but c'mon! When your famous, you don't have time for real friends. It's work, work, work, some sleep, and work. Then, the cycle repeats over and over again. Since you don't have time for "real life", the media goes ahead and makes one for you, except it can be full of lies. 

Sometimes, I have thoughts about quitting everything. Maybe if I wasn't a singer-songwriter, everything would've been easier. Well fuck, forget the maybe part. Of course it'll be easier.

After about 3 minutes of having deep conversations with myself, my phone rang. Seeing that it was Lucy, I reluctantly answered her call.

"Marina? Where have you been? If you've forgotten, you have a meeting today to discuss the new album," she rang out. Somewhere hidden behind the lines, you could hear a hint of worry in her voice. 

I groaned and turned to my side. "Tell everyone I'm feeling like a piece of shit right now, and I'm not going," 

I imagined Lucy being taken back by what I said. "You're not going? Marina, this is a big deal! It's a new album for heaven's sakes! You need to get your ass here asap!" 

I huffed and ran my fingers through my hair, still laying in my bed. 

"I told you, I feel like shit and I'm not going. I don't want to be stuck in a room for 2 hours when I'm feeling like this. I'm tired and I need my time alone,"

On the other line, I heard Lucy groan in frustration. "You know what? Fine, but if your album doesn't come out the way you want it to be, so be it! If you change your mind, just meet me at Atlantic Records," she said before hanging up. 

I groaned before throwing my phone across the bed. I sound like a love-sick 15 year old teenager. It was annoying, but that's what I was feeling like. As stupid as it sounds, I felt like I had just lost my other half.

(Penny's POV)

I knew my mother was eavsdropping my intense conversation with Marina. In the corner of my eye, I saw her enter the living room with a small smile. I ignored her presence and walked slowly to my room, to think about things. For one, I thought about having to move. Leaving my old memories here, and making new ones wherever my grandmother lived. 

There was a faint knocking-sound coming from my door. I turned around and saw my sister, who gave a small smile.

"You don't have to worry, mom said I'm coming with you," she whispered.

I sighed and stared at the floor. In the corner of my eye, I saw her walking towards me. She knelt down right next to me, as I felt her deep stare on me.

"Are you okay?" Teresa asked me.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I groaned. She chuckled softly.

"Look, I know I haven't been the world's greatest sister to you lately-"

"Hey," I said, turning to her. "I'm okay. Friend's come and go. It's no big deal," I assured her.

No, but it was a big deal. She just didn't need to know that.

"You're lying," she squinted her eyes at me. I lightly scoffed at her and turned away.

"We better start packing, don't want to leave anything behind," I said, ignoring her remark.

Teresa coughed and stood up. "Don't even try to ignore my comment. I know your not okay," 

I frowned at her. "Why are you so up in my grill?" I asked with a bit of a tone.

" I need to make sure my baby sister is happy," she said. Her hand reached for my shoulder, and I lightly shook it off.

"That's so weird....because your the one who started my unhappiness...." I trailed off. She closed her eyes and exhaled. 

"Look, I said I was sorry," she whined.

"Yeah," I told her. "Sorry is just a word. There's no sympathy in it. You need to show it," I told her. 

Teresa raised her eyebrows. "Isn't that what I'm trying to do right now? I'm trying to help you!"

"Well I don't need help right now!" I stated. "You can leave, I don't feel like talking to anyone..."

I thought she was going to argue back, but surprisingly, she followed my order. In just a split second, she was out of my room. I sighed and went straight to packing. Eventually, I'd have to have "The Talk" with her, but now defintely was not the right time.


short chapter sorry :(

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