Chapter 28

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im probably going to write another MATD story on my other account @chirpyriwin, soon......if ya want one  just comment and vote haha thankkkkks ilyasm -Dani


"OH MY GOODNESS YOU GREW SO MUCH SINCE THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU!" My grandmother's happy voice giggled. A small smile crept on my face as I walked through the door of my grand-mother's small one-story house. 

Her house looked very cosy and friendly. The warm smell of vanilla filled the air.

"I baked a cake to surprise you girls," She giggled. 

"Do you have wifi here, grandma?" Teresa blurted. Her eyes were glued onto her phone, desperately trying to find some sort of signal somewhere.

"What's wifi?" My grandma said, obviously confused. I almost choked on air and I struffled to stifle my laughter. 

Teresa bit her bottom lip and sighed. "Nevermind, it's alright...." she mumbled. My grandma clasped her hands together.

"Why don't you girls get settled in while I get the table set up for the cake?" She suggested. "Your room is down the hall, and it's the first door on the right,"

"Wait," Teresa said. "Our room?" 

Grandma raised her brows. "Yes. I thought it was okay that you girls share a room...?"

"It's fine," I assured my grandmother. She nodded as I led Teresa to our new room. I swung the door open, revealing a cute little room. The walls were a simple light beige color, and in the corner of the room, I saw a king sized bed with a comfy looking blanket. The blanket had a unique tribal design.

Teresa groaned as she jumped onto the bed. "I wish there was wifi. I can't live without it," she sighed.

I rolled my eyes and dropped my bags by the bed. "I'm going to go help Grandma with the table. You could come along....if you want. Unless you want to stay here and mope around," 

Teresa groaned again, and I nodded my head, seeing that she'd rather stay in the room. I made my way to the kitchen, smelling the sweet aroma of an almost-ready cake. 

"Doesn't it smell wonderful?" My grandma said. "I actually don't know how to bake, but when I found out that you and your sister were going to stay with my from now on, I started to take classes,"

I bit the inside of my cheek as I made my way to the cupboards where I found all the plates.

"Oh dear, you don't need to help me," My grandma chuckled lightly. I shook my head and grabbed 3 plates.

"It's the polite thing to do," I assured her. As I set down the 3 delicate plates, I glanced to my left, seeing my grand-mother staring at me.

"Yes....?" I asked quietly.

She cleared her throat before talking. "I heard about your friend," she said calmly. I winced at the memory of Marina leaving my house a few days ago. Since we were in the middle of nowhere, there was a 100% chance that she could never find me. I was a bit saddened by the fact that our 'relationship' never ended well.

"Um....yeah," I whispered. "Is the cake ready?"

My grandmother shook her head. "I know it's kind of strange to have some sort of celebrity as a friend, but it's not as different as having regular friends. You would forgive your regular friends too, wouldn't you?" she said.

I sighed. "I'm not mad at her anymore. I just don't think our friendship would work considering I'm in the middle of nowhere, and she's out there touring and making music,"

Our friendship was like long-distance relationships. People try to make it work by texting, calling, video-chatting, but it never really ends up working. 

"You think," She pointed out. "But you don't know," I sighed as I sat down on a chair next to her. I started braiding the ends of my hair, a new habit that I had recently discovered.

"Well, I know it's not going to work. We've already tried, but then there were haters, paparazzi, my sister....," I trailed off.

My grand-mother chuckled slightly. She rubbed my back gently and started talking. "Have you ever heard of the quote 'Don't listen to what other's think?"

I shrugged. "Well of course, but in this case, it's different,"

The oven made a noise, indicating that the cake was ready. Grand-mother got up slowly and pulled on some oven-mitts. She opened the oven and carefully took out the cake, which looked heavenly if I must say.

"It's not different, Penny," she told me. She set the cake down and looked inside the fridge for frosting. "It's actually quite the same, but with 2 people,"

I slouched in my chair, intensly watching my grand-mother frost the delicious looking cake. "I'm going to go...check on Teresa," I told her slowly, and quickly evacuated the room.

(Marina's POV)

I did end up going to that meeting.

No, not because I got bored in my room and stopped moping around.

Lucy threated to send body-guards to take me away.

I was surprised that she actually did.

"So were thinking about..."

My mind went into a differen't world after that. Not a world of happiness and unicorns, but a world where you lose everything you love, and you attempt to fight for it back, but it shoves you away and tells you that it won't work ever again and you leave their front lawn, crying and-

"So how's that?"

I blinked twice. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

In the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy groan in frustration. 

"We were thinking about having the photo-shoot for the album cover in a few days. We still need to get everything ready," 

I nodded my head quickly, not really interested in how the photo-shoot came to be.

"Sure, sure, that's wonderful," I said, uninterested.

I saw them discussing things with Lucy, and my mind went straight into it's little world again. 


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