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Thud. Thud. Thud.

Ezeriah heard the roaring blood flowing through her body and with each beat of her heart, she was brought back to consciousness. She took a breath causing the compressed sound to make her inhale sharply. Her eyes flew open, finding a block of ice around and above her. Her teeth chattered, noisily.

Where was she?

She closed her eyes, as a turmoil of waves hit her with so much force, the sheet of ice she was in rocked back and forth.

She was sick.

With a disease doctors couldn't cure, at the age of eighteen, she signed to be compacted in ice. In two thousand one hundred sixty seven, the doctors had hopes of a cure in the future and science that would be able to thaw her-assuming she awoken, and use it for her to have a better life.

But she woke on her own.

She shivered, feeling the ice melt around her face. The ice box rocking against the coastline and the heat of the sun seemed to awaken her, spooling onto her skin making her skin greedily want more. Her body lifted towards the warmth, making the ice crack around her legs and arms. She shook her body, lifting herself into a sitting position.

She was blinded by the sun, hissing as the brightness flashed into her adapting eyes. As she looked around, eyesight coming back, her jaw dropped. She was just off a coast of a huge city. Tall silver skyscrapers stretching to the skies - and vehicles soaring up to the clouds.

But there were several other sheets of ice around her. With bodies. Some were upside down, rocking back and forth, some bodies had blood frozen throughout all of the ice, and some were sinking under water. Lucky for her, she was edged against a large rock.


Tears filled her eyes, knowing she couldn't save any of them. She didn't have the energy to pull the ice boxes to shore, nor did she have the strength to pull herself to shore.

Although, she didn't have a single idea where she was, she knew she didn't want to die sinking into water. She'd rather die in the shore with the feeling of the sand beneath her body than drown. Survival instincts and adrenaline kicked in.

Ezeriah began kicking her legs to break more ice, an attempt that rewarded her with the ice breaking in half. She collapsed through the middle- fearful as she realized the depths of the water. Gasping, as she resurfaced she swam with all she could muster to the rocky coast. She grabbed onto a jutting rock and hoisted herself onto the land. Realizing the ice and the rock had sliced her skin, she climbed faster. She needed medical attention soon.

Gasping, she finally stood up onto her wobbly legs. and looked back at the other ice boxes now mostly submerged.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Shakily, while keeping the lacerations on her upper arms blocked with her palms, Ezeriah turned back towards the huge silver buildings, fingertips from touching the sky.

The bright rays warmed her naked body making her feel more alive. In that moment, all she could think of was she was alive.

She laughed softly in disbelief. She took off into the forest towards the city, eager to reunite with the world she had been graced to live in again.


"Mom, Jaxton is going to throw my holopod." Aiken yelled, jumping to reach his brothers hand.

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