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With each step, the splash of water echoed throughout the tunnels. It almost became a rhythm, making Ezeriah want to hum.

Jaxton glanced down at her. He smiled warmly and squeezed her hand. "You okay?"

"Mhm," she nodded. "I'm good. You?"

"I want that book." He looked straight ahead with determination painted on his face.

She nodded. "Do you remember where it last was?"

"It won't take me long to find it," he shrugged. "Gosh, I cant wait for you to meet my mother."

Ezeriah's heart sped up. "I can't wait either."

He leaned down and gave her a kiss.

She could taste his perspiration on her tongue, which she savored.

In truth, while his kiss calmed her, she was extremely nervous.
She was nervous. So nwas nervous. So nervous.
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm dating your son. We're starting a revolution. Hope you like me!

Ezeriah chewed her lip.

He chuckled. "Relax."

Ezeriah gave him a look. "Stop reading my mind."

"It's not called mind reading." He chuckled. Even in the peril situation they were in, walking back into the fire, she still could make him smile.

"Well, that's what we called it." Ezeriah raised a shoulder jokingly.

"Well, all of the we people are dead." Jaxton blurted. His eyes shot to her face. "Wow, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"No, you're right. There's truth to what you're saying," She nodded warmly. "I should embrace your time period not mine. Mine doesn't exist anymore."

"How creepy will it be when we awaken all the people from multitudes of different time periods." Li joined in.

"Think of it more as an adjustment for everyone." Yelun shifted his backpacks weight. With all the bullets and bombs, it was slightly heavy.

"Wait until they find out there's only three continents left. They won't even know where to go," Ziof laughed.

Lavern chuckled. "We'll definitely need a Welcome Back To Life class."

"I'd love to be the teacher." Deyja's heart got warm as her lips involuntarily glided upward.

"You would be very good at that," Emilia squeezed Deyja's arm with a sincere love in her eyes.

"Thank you, I think I would too," Deyja told her.

Ezeriah looked back to Jaxton. "This is going to be a long walk, but can I ask; are we there yet?"

Ziof patted her on the back. "It's gonna be a couple weeks. Get comfortable. I don't see us going back above ground until we're back in the city."

She nodded. "And then?"

"Take the Sky Loop and take the private area that I know how to get to," Ziof said. "From there Jaxton and friends will go to his house. Get his book and get his family out of the way.  And we'll be in the chambers of the capital, take the chamber moat and hold the place hostage until Jaxton gets Ezeriah here to wake them. We broadcast it to the continent then I kill the president."

With Ziof's big finish, they all grew dim.

"Sky Loop?" Ezeriah whispered.

"Know what a roller coaster is?" Li whispered back mischievously.

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