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"You- um, might want to stand back." Ezeriah glanced at Yelun.

"Right. Got it." He nodded.

He backed away, but stayed close enough to see if Jaxton did glow or get a transfer. "The horse... Did it glow?"

"Her eyes turned yellow. I was glowing yellow." Ezeriah answered as she absentmindedly ran her fingers through Jaxton's hair.

Yelun already knew, so she didn't quite feel the need to hide her affection towards Jaxton.

She ran her fingers over his jaw and down over his throat. She stopped at his bare chest, and cupped his face. She had to bite her lip to stopped herself from leaning in.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The familiar painful jolt shot through her, and before she knew his she heard a gasp from Yelun. She slowly opened her eyes to find the gash on Jaxton's head healing. But she didn't stop there, once that was healed she kept going. His skin began to even look healthier and his muscles even tightened. Even his hair began to lengthen. Before she keep going, he gasped and shot up.

She kept one hand on his arm and waited.

"You." Jaxton smiled at her with glowing yellow eyes.

"It worked." She glanced back at Yelun.

"Wow," Yelun's jaw was slack.

"How many times are you gonna keep saving my life?" Jaxton asked as he glanced around at al lithe medical supplies.

"As many times as you keep rescuing mine," She told him softly.

She looked down, blushing. He then noticed her hand on him, and felt his heart speed up. Before he could stop himself, he reached up and brushed her hair back from her face. Grabbing her face, he pulled he closer and halted her. It all happened at once, and she had no time to process it, but his lips were on hers. She melted in his touch. She didn't know how to kiss, but he did. But then, Yelun's coughing made him abruptly pull away.

"Sorry," Jaxton said, this time no longer glowing yellow. "I don't know what came over me."

"Energy," Yelun simply announced. "You received quite a lot of it. I imagine you were acting on the high flood of your emotions."

Ezeriah smiled, and took a step back bashfully. She stared at the ground, trig to process what had just happened. Yelun awkwardly looked around. Jaxton though, he felt like he could run a thousand miles.

"We got a horse." Ezeriah blurted.

He frowned. "What?"

"Well, we were trying to figure some stuff out so we found the horse you stabbed and we brought her back. They're working on a place for her to stay, as we speak." She rambled awkwardly.

"You are just..." Jaxton shook his head and trailed off.

She smiled softly, still feeling the sensation of his lips pressed roughly against hers. Her mind was spinning with a whirl of thoughts.

His smell.... His taste... Him....

It was dizzying. She almost couldn't stand up. If her heart were to beat any faster, she'd surely explode.

She looked back down at her ratted shoes.

"She's amazing," Yelun finished for him. He put his gloves on and approached Jaxton, eyeing him head to toe. "How do you feel?"

Jaxton glanced at Ezeriah. "Great. Really, really great."

"She healed you." Yelun informed him. "Completely."

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