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As Ezeriah lifted dried up cranberries and an assortment of nuts, her heart suddenly filled with overwhelming pain causing her to gasp.

"What's wrong?" Deyja asked.

Oh, Ezeriah. I'm so sorry. I will fulfill your destiny.

Ezeriah gasped. "Jaxton."

Everyone gathered around her.

"What did he say?" Ziof asked.

"Is he okay?" Hope crossed Yelun's face.

"He's sorry," Ezeriah struggled. "He's going to fulfill my prophecy?"

She turned to Li and Yelun.

Li's brows rose in confusion. "Wow. Um, I'm not... the book? Aiken said a lot of weird things. At the beginning of time, God's that Jaxton comes from, planned on him meeting her and being her...consort. They created Earth. And The Telia means Earth. She controls elements and the sky and the ground and everything responds to her like it's part... part of her."

"He is the only one who survived her zapping them. Can glow the way she does. Her energy runs right through him," Ziof scratched his jaw.

"They created her." Yelun chewed his lip. "Okay, if they created her, and she obeys involuntarily to his commands, is she also a branch of them? She is the Earth in human form."

"Not only that, but if she is a branch of them. Like a rib from Adam to Eve, what's it then to say she can also feel his mind-sending  and what he was seeing when he sent the mind-send." Deyja suggested.

Ezeriah's lip parted slowly. "He can get into my head, but I can't in his. We haven't practiced that yet."

"Well, so far, anything you want to do, you can. So, try." Deyja tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "We're all right here. Nothing is gonna happen. Promise."

Ezeriah took a deep breath. "Okay."

She lied down and closed her eyes.

Oh, Ezeriah. I'm so sorry. I will fulfill your destiny.

She dug deeper into the thought. She felt the thought. She became the thought. And the black of her eyelids was replaced with a gray toned lab. A tall slender man in a gray suit stood before Jaxton. With another man in shackles that looked just like Jaxton but older. She felt chains, chains that stung as they sliced deeper into her wrist. She felt a cold hard metal piece pressed tightly over her mouth. She also felt anger and defeat and yet pure happiness. The room had a large black screen.

And behind the man was a large office setting. Nothing about this location or this man was safe. The blue eyed man across from her locked eyes with her shooting straight into her heart, causing her to shoot up.

"Woah, it's okay," Ziof helped her up. "What did you see?"

But Ezeriah's head was spiraling as her pineal gland continued to unravel. "No. No. No. I've seen them before. I know them."

"Who?" Deyja asked as her heart sped up.

"Two men. Blond like Jaxton in chains like Jaxton, and then a creepy man in a gray suit. Angry dark eyes. Black almost." Ezeriah rubbed her face.

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