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"That's not possible," Jaxton racked his brain.

She smiled sadly. "He did. Myself and my partner Klei were there."

The man next to her nodded earnestly.

Klei spoke up. "It was top secret, and highly confidential. He know he couldn't take down The Academy and he knew they were going to kill her because they couldn't figure out how to awaken her, so he did. And he told Uma and I. Made sure we were able to have it be done."

"He died five years ago," Deyja said softly.

She knew it was a sore subject for Jaxton. It would be sore for anyone to watch their father have his head sliced off in the public square for the world to see.

Jaxton's jaw clenched. "He would've told me. He would've told me something!"

"There's a lot he didn't tell you," She murmured softly, mirroring his sad eyes.

"He would've told me," Jaxton insisted.

"Maybe he did." Lavern turned to Jaxton. "Maybe it's in those books."

Jaxton nodded. "I need to get to those books."

"We will." Ezeriah squeezed his hand.

"So, how do we get back without being detected. We're way too big of a group." Ziof asked the scientists.

They nodded.

"And Ezeriah has a uh, sensitivity to sunlight." Yelun cracked a grin making his friends laugh.

Everyone in the room frowned.

"She's controlling it better," Emilia warmly smiled at Ezeriah. "But this will be a lot of stress, we don't want to push it. What do you guys think? Bernard?"

Bernard wiped his mouth. "Thank you all for the delicious meal. I'm more than happy to be here to help. For Ezeriah's sake, I was in charge of sneak attack's and was an assassin for the 1st Squad as you all know, under the Antiona regime. Chief Antiona and Commander James and I developed a tunnel that was meant to get them out in case of any attacks. The more I think about it, the tunnel wasn't a presidental getaway, it was for her. It will lead anywhere we need to go, and more importantly, directly to the Academy."

"So, tunnels," Li groaned. "Not again."

"It's the safest route," Ziof reassured him. "Remember, it led us here."

"What, riding wild horses to get over here during a stampede we caused wasn't a blast?" Li joked.

He snorted. "Glad to say I did it, will be glad if I don't have to ever do it again."

They all chuckled as Deyja mindsended everyone in the room the memory of what happened.

"Just like their parents, huh," Emilia smiled.

Li, Deyja, Jaxton and Antiona all had high governmental official parents, and day by day they became more like them. Anyone who knew them could see it in their children. It was beautiful.

Ezeriah lowered her eyes, peaking up to see Jaxton was hiding his emotions well, but was severely at unrest.

'Do you want to get out of here? Get some air' Ezeriah rubbed his thigh under the table reassuringly.

He glanced at her. 'Now is not the time to show weakness. I want to figure these people out first. And I mean, he died years ago, I'm okay. I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me. I thought I was his right hand.'

Ezeriah chewed her lip. 'Maybe he didn't tell you, so it would keep you alive. So you could be there for your mother and brother.'

He nodded with a raised shoulder. 'Maybe, it's an odd feeling, thinking you know someone completely and then be told by strangers that you don't know anything at all about them.'

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