Part 2

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Part 2 is coming soon

Trigger Warning : Police Brutality

#justiceforbreonnataylor firing the officer is NOT ENOUGH ‼️ I will gladly get tear gassed again for her and every black life MURDERED by cops

Everyone black person reading this: I see you. I hear you. I stand with you. Every black life is worthy and it's so odd we have to say this ??? society should automatically know this ??????

Black woman deserve so so so so much better. I write for all the black girls as growing up all the books I read had (only) white girls in them. I have wondered if Jaxton being white was wrong on my part (when I started this he was based of a boy in my class who I couldn't get out of my head I just had to write him down his image stuck in my head was affecting me in school 😂😂 but alas I still wanted a strong beautiful dark skin (every dark skin woman is beautiful ‼️‼️‼️)  black girl. I have considered changing him to black and perhaps when I go to a literary agent I will.

Idk why I'm putting this all here, but this story I started when I was 17 (now 20)  I recognized how odd this system in America is. How racist. How homophobic. How transphobic. America was founded on racism and hasn't changed. How shows were always showing white girls as the prize or the beauty all the guys wanted and putting girls of color on the back burner and I HATED it. I hated how we are portrayed. America at heart is an oligarchy for rich white men and their white wives born from other rich white men and was meant to be and stay that way.

I wrote this story for my best friend's little sister who is a beautiful little black girl who told me she didn't like the color of her skin and wanted to bleach it to be like the white girls. My heart ached because I've said it 100 times before too in my life. I wanted representation in the best way. She asked me to write her a story thus born was The Seal.

For every black girl, black boy: you're worthy and you matter.

I am continuing The Seal.

Thank you everyone who read this. I hope enjoyment  was met when reading this. I plan on editing parts but I most definitely want to continue Ezeriah's story.

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